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𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

One week ticked by. 

One week full of exceedingly slow, but very stable relations with Sandro. 

He is trying, he is putting so-so-so much effort into this, us and I treasure it so much: he filters himself, he asks and doesn't demand right away, word "please" is regular when he asks for something from me outside the bedroom, he is less irritated, tension slowly gets lesser when I hug him and he treats his employees much better - he greeted properly, is capable of requesting and is much more patient. 

Alessandro is secretive, very mysterious man: doesn't sleep, leaved before I wake up and comes back past midnight, at times comes back with bruised or bloody hands. He still has his dark moments, but he doesn't snap  at me any longer and he is the most patient with me. Sandro is more chatty; well, not that talkative, but I get much more than 10 words from him now. He meets me half-way and is willing to listen. Hugs are no longer gesture of pure discomfort to him, word "gentle" settled in his rich vocabulary and his actions slowly grasp the meaning of that word. 

Sandro gave me much more freedom and understatement: I am welcome to go out of the mansion with 2 guards, thing that I don't mind because I truly do not even notice them since they are as if invisible, like Sandro promised; he let me take up those 2 jobs that I applied for - baker and florist; I got a tour of the mansion from him, so I am much more aware of my surroundings by now. 

Almost every Monday, Wednesday and Friday he comes around 9PM and sits in the living room while I sit on his lap and just hug him: I play with his silky hair, massage his head, rub his back and shoulders, lightly kiss his perfect, handsome face in random spots - just whatever I want while he simply lingers still, his dusky grey eyes closing for longer, leading me to think that it is his way of relaxing, though, he never admitted it. 

He is soaking up how to be gentle day by day and in return I give him full control of sex.

I trust him, my trust grows daily as I see his tiny, but steady changes, and he acknowledges my trust in ways he didn't before: he hold me in his muscled, inked arms after every single intercourse, be it in the red room or outside of it; he checks on me verbally and physically; he takes things much slower now and eases me into new things at my pace. Yes, he is exceedingly dominating and rough in bed, his authoritativeness leaps even more in red room, but somehow he is still careful and delicate with me and I appreciate it. He considers where my limits are and in return I am willing to push my limits a bit further, little by little, and let him try new things on me, put me in new positions and touch me differently.

To me, to be honest, he seems to have sex differently in red room and outside of it, unlike before - back then he seems harsh everywhere. Right now, I notice how much more touchy he is in the bedroom, how much he kisses me outside of the red room and how less demanding he is. In red room I am indeed his submissive and he is my dominant.

All of this makes me feel hopeful about us and leads me to the thought that now I do not regret everything we've been through.

Right now it is Tuesday, August 7th, 16:25. 

I am at work in flower shop, peacefully sorting sunflowers for future bouquets. Today I am alone here, my colleague Gabby had to leave early and owner of the shop, Signora Lettucia, has a dinner to host at her place. 

"Buon pomeriggio."- said some man, entering the shop, and I glanced at him with polite smile. (Good afternoon.) 

"Buon pomeriggio."- I replied, having picked up very basic vocabulary for work; nothing useful to help me understand Sandro, but I am working on it. 

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