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𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

One week. 

Whole 7 days passed since the birth of our twins. 

We stayed in the hospital just for 6 days, solely out of pre-cautionary aspects. Luca and Angelo are allergic to peanuts and are likely to be gluten-intolerant, just like Tomasso, so we are a peanut-free and gluten-free household. My wife and our twins are doing very well and are as healthy as ever - that's all that matters to me.

Celest is the loveliest, the most caring mum I could possibly wish for my children. She has so much patience, tenderness and love in her pure heart. Motherhood suits her way more than I could ever imagine. She has always had a radiant glow to herself, but now it is just...Bloody hell, I lack vocabulary. 

She is just different. 

The sweetest kind of different. 

Her smile, the sparkles in her eyes, her mood, the way her kisses and embrace feel - everything about her is so warm, homely, gentle, pacifying, gratifying and beloved. She truly looks happy, like she is where she has always wanted to be, like she has everything she needs and wishes for and for me, as her husband, it is all I could dream of.

I am still new to our newborns' routines, habits, behaviour and such, but cazzo, I am trying my hardest and because of Celest's love, care, guidance, advice and patience, I think, I am doing something right because our boys are in my arms 80% of the time, they do not want to be out of my embrace and fuck, that's a feeling I wish every man to experience. 

It is unlike anything.

Today is Monday and we are home. 

We arrived yesterday around 20:50, Celest was tired and our sons were fast asleep, so we too went to bed. 

Today is our first full day home. We haven't let anyone meet our twins because we want to settle down first, we have a lot to sort out first.

Tomie is yet to meet his siblings too and that will happen today. 

The mere thought hasn't given me any rest. 

So here I am: at 06:40, working out, buzzing with excitement and joy.

I leaned back in the seat, working with the chest fly machine, doing each exercise 20 times, 4 circuits, needing peace because Dio, I might burst with jollies. 

I cannot wait to see Tomie's reaction to his small brothers and see how twins react to their elder brother.

"Sandro."- spoke my beloved sweetly, entering the gym, my eyes skimming up and down her little figure. 

Fuck, 6 weeks. 

It seems impossible to wait for 6 weeks. 

If a stranger were to know that she gave birth just 7 days ago, he would never believe that. 

Slim, sexy, long legs are torturously beautiful. Those delicate, feminine hips taunt my mind. That round, luscious, toned ass is on my mind 24/7 and there is no denying that I am dying to get my hands on it. My silk, black shirt is loose on her miniature figure, but fuck, I saw it and I know damn well that tiny, trim waist, nearly flat stomach and handful, small, sensuous chest hide beneath that fabric. Her little, thin arms, dainty shoulders and back make me want to do nothing, but wrap her in my much bigger, much stronger arms and never ever let go of her.

The memory of what kind of undergarment she is wearing is fresh in my mind and the mere reminder of than thin, red, sheer fabric on my woman's body is enough to give me blue balls.

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