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𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.


I smiled softly to myself, climbing up the stairs to my small apartment while thinking about what I purchased for my baby boy today after ending my shifts. 

I bought a few pairs of cute little socks, a few onesies and jumpsuits, 2 lovely coats and a warm, soft, jumpsuit for going out. Due to not having a stroller, this jumpsuit is going to be very useful. I also purchased another 2 pacifiers, another package of diapers to be stocked up for a while and 3 cosy blankets.

This little something made my day and I cannot wait to add those things to my baby boy's very modest, little, but beautiful and neat wardrobe. 

I got the keys out of my bag and opened the door, just for a hand to cover my mouth and a knife to be pressed to my neck. 

"Keep quiet or I will cut your kid."- stated a male voice, digging a sharp knife into my neck just enough to leave a cut, and I rushed to nod in compliance, worrying about my baby. 

"You are going to let us in, get all your money and valuable belongings and forget you ever saw anything. Got it, doll?"- said another man and I nodded, tears streaming down my cheek. 

They opened the door and closed it quickly, pushing me inside. 

"Money, laptop, jewellery - everything."- one of them urged, pressing a gun to the back of my head, pulling the trigger enough to make me sob from fright while the other trashed the apartment, taking everything they wanted. 

My wallet with little cash and cards, my laptop, my only earrings, - they took it all. 

"Where the fuck are your savings?"- asked angrily the man, ruining everything in the apartment in hope of finding them. 

"Please, I will be left with nothing to live on."- I pleaded, crying as the man pushed me to my knees, pulling the trigger again. 

"Now."- urged the man, pressing the gun to my head firmer, ignoring my pleas. 

And I gave them my all. 

I handed in my savings - 20 000 pounds - and they dropped mortifying threats before leaving the building as if nothing happened.

I rested my back against the wall, sobbing and crying hysterically from the scare and devastation, unable to stop myself from shattering. 

Again left with nothing. 

Again left on a starting point. 

My hands trembled as I wiped away my tears, lost and more alone than ever. 

Sharp, sudden contractions and my water breaking made my heartbeat stop as I rested my hand on my belly, feeling my son kick. 

I wasn't ready for it. 

I wasn't in the state for it now. 

But I had to. 

Through tears and agonising pain, I stood up and took my small hospital bag before calling myself an ambulance, struggling to get a word out. 

I waited. 

I waited, doing my everything to keep myself collected and sane until I finally got help and everything became hazy. 

"She is my patient."- said doctor Maddison, hurrying up to me. 

The nurse and the doctor helped me, getting me in the room right away. 

"It hurts so much."- I almost whispered, tired, scared and too shaken up, looking at the doctor vulnerably through tears. 

"Shh, everything will be okay. Just listen to my instructions."- said the doctor, worriedly glancing at the scratch on my neck and bruised knees. 

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