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𝘈𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

I am going to be a dad.

My baby is growing inside the woman I adore and want to spend mine forever with. 

I don't think this will settle in my heart any time soon, this news is too dear, insanely yearned-for, indescribably beautiful and unutterably precious for me to be over it. 

My hand gently laid on Celest's flat stomach and I lost the grip of reality as my mind dared to picture her cute, round, big belly: how it will grow little by little, how it might feel when our baby will kick, how it will feel like to kiss and caress her bump, how it will be like to cuddle her. 

Fuck, I want it. 

I want all of that with Celest.

We could make a nursery in a room that is right next to Tomie's nursery. Or we could make it right next to ours. But the one next to Tomasso's gets more sunlight than the one next to ours. But the one that is next to ours overlooks the garden. Though, the one that is next to our son's room overlooks the backyard. 

My cheek rested against the top of her pretty head and I caressed her stomach, thinking about our baby's room and what we need to get. 

Maybe I should get a home ultrasound scanner just for precautionary matters? What if she needs some vitamins now? I better start looking for a good, respectable hospital now. Maybe she needs those long, huge pillows? What if the mattress isn't good for her? I should check on that. 

I took my phone, wanting to find answers to my questions. One of my arms wrapped around my beloved and I kissed her temple before searching up the information, soaked up in my bubble, my heart brimming with excitement. 

Hospital is the prime matter. I need to find one now, it cannot be put off. I want something private, highly ranked, with the best reviews and the most remarkable staff - only the finest for my wife and our children. 

"Why aren't you cuddling me?"- almost whispered my love, bringing me out of my pondering, and fuck, my heart quivered. 

"Don't cry, mia piccola cara, per favore."- I said warmly and put my phone away before cupping her cute face in my hands and kissing her tears away. 

"You didn't hug me with both arms."- spoke Celest in pure sadness, her beautiful, lush green eyes so glossy and full of devastation. 

"I am so sorry, gattina. I won't do it again, I promise, baby."- I swore, wrapping her tiny self in my arms, fucking melting at how she snuggled into me, almost as if scared that I would ever let go of her. 

"Shh, I am right here, mia principessa. All yours and right here."- I soothed my treasure, kissing her temple as she cried softly in my chest, hugging me tightly with those thin, petite arms of hers. 

"Don't do it again, per favore. I love it when you cuddle me while I sleep."- murmured Celest through tears and I couldn't help my smile, already addicted to how fucking touchy and adorable she is. 

"I won't do it ever again, mia amata cara, I promise. I love cuddling you so, so, so much."- I said affectionately, kissing her pouty, downy lips lovingly.

𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵'𝘴 𝘗.𝘖.𝘝.

I want to stop crying, he did promise not to do it ever again, but I cannot stop crying because he is so gentle and charming with me, the way he is soothing me is so sweet, so pure and adoring. 

"That's my sunny sweetie."- stated Sandro, kissing my nose tenderly, and I smiled brighter, blinking away tears that dropped in his soft, big palms. 

"We are going to have a tiny baby."- I almost whispered, crying all over again from joy, unable to believe that this really is happening. 

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