Shiny Stone (Contestshipping)

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(Pic used in the cover is not mine)
Ever did Drew's Roselia ever evolve into Roserade? Here's my take to what happened.


Drew had arrived in Cherrygrove City to compete in a Pokémon Contest. He hasn't competed in a lot of contest in Johto. In fact, he has only competed in one Johto contest so far, and that was the contest in Violet City.

And...he didn't even win that one.

He went up against Harley in the final round of that contest. It was Harley's Cacturne versus his Roselia. He thought that he would have it in the bag, but much to his disappointment, Harley won by a few points.

He didn't like the feeling of losing to Harley. I mean...come's freaking Harley Cacturnehead.

He and Roselia were just sitting on the sand near Cherrygrove beach. They didn't much training. They were just there...thinking. But what were they thinking about?


The thought of Roselia evolving never crossed Drew's mind until after the contest. He didn't even know it was possible until he read that researchers in the Sinnoh region have discovered that a Shiny Stone could enable the evolution of Roselia into Roserade.

Drew was unsure if Roselia wanted to evolve. He already knew that Roselia was already powerful the way it was. Roselia was already on the level Drew wanted her to be. But upon finding out about Roselia's possible evolution, Drew had to do something he's barely done. Ask for someone's advice.

He was the kind of person who never took anyone's advice, but in times when he didn't know what to do, he has no choice but to ask. He asked his mom, and all she said that it depends to what Roselia feels. Heck, even Roselia doesn't know if it's a good idea. He then decided to call his cousin and best friend, Milani, who was already in Accumula Town in the Unova region. To his disappointment, Milani didn't give him much advice. In fact, she showed off her newly evolved Roserade. Drew asked how she got her Roselia to evolve, and she said that she won a Shiny Stone in a Tag Team battle tournament in Petalburg City that she competed in before she left for Unova.

He can't believe Milani got her Roselia to evolve first. He got his way before she did. He looked at Roselia, and she had the face of determination. She knows that she needs to get stronger.

Evolution time.

There is one problem for them though...where will they find a Shiny Stone?

He searched every route he passed by. He even found out about this Bug Catching contest in National Park wherein they could win an evolutionary stone. He competed multiple of times, but he always ended up losing. He would catch a decent Beedril and Butterfree, but there will always be this guy who caught a Pinsir or a Heracross. However, during the migration season where bugs rare to Johto appear, He managed to catch a Beautifly, and finally, he won. Unfortunately, he won a Leaf Stone.

On the bright side, he did keep the Beautifly he caught. He chuckled at that. Out of all Pokémon, a Beautifly. What would his peers say if he was caught competing in a contest with a Beautifly? Sure, Beautifly is a good Pokémon to use in a contest, but he had a certain rival who had a Beautifly as one of her main Pokémon.

Suddenly, his thoughts went to this particular rival, May. He hasn't seen her in Johto, but he wasn't expecting much. He hoped that he had convinced her to come to Johto as well when they last saw each other in Fennel Valley, but Harley might have scared her off. For all he knows, she might have decided to go to Sinnoh instead since her friend, Ash Ketchum, seems to be planning to go there. He didn't ask, but he had a feeling that Ash wanted to go there since his old rival is there.

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