Sequel to Amnesia (Contestshipping)

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Milani: *reads something on her tablet*

May: Um...hi, Milani.

Milani: Sup?

May: Um...where are Drew and the others?

Milani: Either they are playing some basketball or having band practice.

May: Oh ok. Um...I've got something...I want you to read it.

Milani: *drops tablet and grabs the piece of paper May is handing her* Ooh. It's a story.

May:'s not really a's kinda like a continuation of the Amnesia songfic...

Milani: OMG. It is. So...this is pretty much a May oneshot.

May: Yup. I mean...if you don't mind.

Milani: Oh yeah. This is gonna be good. So guys, leave a vote for May's oneshot! WOOO!!!

In the previous oneshot...

"Talk to her." Paul said.

"What? I can't, Paul. She's better off without me. She's having fun being gym leader. She's having fun with that Brendan. Forget it, Paul. I'll be more shattered if I'll be shut out by her." Drew said.

"Well...if you don't get over her, you'll end up at the mental hospital." Paul said as he brought out something from his pockets. He then tossed it to Drew.

"A piece of paper?" Drew said.

"Open it, idiot." Paul said as Drew opened the piece of paper.

"A contest in Rustboro City? How did you even know about this?" Drew asked.

"Dawn gave that to me. She wanted me to watch because she'll be competing there. I want you to compete in that contest too." Paul said.

" know I've been out of the contest scene the past two years." Drew said.

"Drew, I can't believe you're letting your dreams go to waste just because of May." Paul said.

"Don't even mention her name, Paul. Please..." Drew said.

"Drew...I want you to clear your head. Remember that Rustboro was the place you had your first contest. Was you know who there? No, right?" Paul said.

"" Drew answered.

"There you go. It's about dang time Drew Hayden competes in another contest." Paul said.

"Thanks, Paul. I can't believe you'd do this for me." Drew said.

"You're lucky Dawn gave me that...and it sucks to go up against Gary and Ash alone. I need my hoops partner." Paul said.

"Thanks, Paul." Drew said.

"So...I'll be meeting up with Gary and Ash to play some hoops. Get that brain of yours a time off." Paul said.

"Wait...Paul? I hope you have room for one more player." Drew said.

"Of course, Drew. Let's go." Paul said as the two guys left.

Drew and Paul have finally arrived in Rustboro City.

It was still a few days before the contest, and Drew has done a lot of training, so they decided to take a breather on the hotel Drew knows about.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now