Under The Mistletoe (Pokeshipping)

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I didn't have a Christmas special, so here ya go.

I know. It's New Year's Eve tomorrow.



Well...it was that time of the year once again.


It's five days after Christmas.

Still, Delia Ketchum decided to have a little party.

A before New Year's Eve party...maybe.

She still wanted to have a little party to celebrate the holidays with her friends, and well, mostly her son's friends.

It's not every day that Ash and all his friends can actually come over to have a little party.

(Ash's POV)


For the first time, I get to celebrate Christmas with all my friends that helped me so far in my journey.

Traveling companions and rivals alike. They're all here.

Wait...right...it's not Christmas, but close enough.

Mom decided that we will have the party at Professor Oak's laboratory since our house wasn't big enough to accommodate many people.

Hey. I don't mind. That means I get to spend it with my Pokémon!

I watched Tracey and mom finish up the decorating the place. Even though it wasn't Christmas, there's still a very Christmas-y vibe.

There's food. OH YES FOOD.

There's a Christmas tree, some lights, wreaths, and a bunch more Christmas décor.

And...that thing.

A mistletoe.

I don't even know why, but I've been told that if you are standing under the mistletoe with someone, you have to kiss that person.

The thought of kissing someone. Weird.

I haven't tried it...but...

I just don't want to think about it.

There's a feeling I'm getting,
I just can't explain,
Makin' me glad tonight.
Maybe it's Christmas,
Maybe the snow,
Maybe the mistletoe
Wait...no. The mistletoe doesn't make me glad.

"Thinking deeply, ey, Ashy-boy?" A familiar voice said.

Ladies and gentlemen, Gary Oak.

"Whatever, Gary."

"I see you starin' at that mistletoe. Hopin' to get some smoochin' tonight?" Gary said in a very teasing voice.

"No, Gary. Gross." I replied in a very disgusted manner.

"What are you? 10? Grow a pair, Ashy!" Gary yelled. (Well...let's say he's finally not 10 in this one.)

"Gary? What did you say?" I heard Professor Oak scold.

"Nothing gramps." Gary replied as he continued to put some of the food at the table.

I looked at the living room and saw that everyone was there.

There's Dawn, Brock, May, Max, Iris, Cilan, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie...and wait a minute...where's...

Oh. There she is!

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