Babysitters (Contestshipping)

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Drew is currently back at home to have some rest and relaxation. He was sitting on the couch while reading a book when his mother approached him.

"Drew, dear. May I ask a favor from you?" His mom asked.

"Sure, mom. What is it?" Drew asked.

" see...I'm going to have an overnight outing with some friends, but one of my friends can't find a babysitter for her 5 year old daughter. I was wondering if you can babysit my friend's daughter." His mom said.

"I'm willing, but I don't have any experience in babysitting." Drew said.

"Just feed her, play with her and make sure she gets some sleep." His mom explained. "Besides, Milani can help you once she comes home from her friend's house."

"Mom...they're shooting their horror film. Who knows what time she'll get home?"

" a friend to help you out."

Drew sighed. "Fine."

"Good." His mom said as the doorbell rang. She opened the door to see her friend.

"Hi, Rosalie!" The friend greeted. "Did you ask your son if he could babysit tonight?"

"Yes, he can." Drew's mom replied.

"Good...anyway, this is my daughter, Carla." She said as he showed her daughter.

"Hi!" Carla greeted.

"You behave, sweetie." The mom said as she kissed her daughter's head.

"Yes, mom." Carla cheerfully said as she was led inside by Rosalie.

"Drew! We're leaving! Take care of Carla!" His mom said as they left.

Drew stood up and approached the kid.

"Hi Drew! My name is Carla!" Carla cheerfully said.

"Hey, Carla." Drew said awkwardly.

Carla just stood quietly while Drew was just watching her. He was completely clueless on what to do. He brought out his phone and texted Milani.

Drew: Milani...what time are you coming home?

Milani: I dunno. Late?

Drew: Come on! I'm gonna need help babysitting. I don't know what to do.

Milani: We need to do some shooting. :P

Drew: Can't you excuse yourself?

Milani: No...all the scenes we still need to film involve me. :P

Drew: Gosh why are you the star anyway? K good luck.

Milani: Good luck with the kiddo. :P

Drew kept his phone and noticed that Carla was nowhere to be found.

"DREW!!!!" Carla yelled from the kitchen.

"What are you doing here Carla?" Drew asked.

"I need food. NOW!" Carla demanded.

"Fine." Drew said as he checked the cupboard for some food. "Here. A granola bar."

"Eww...I don't like that! Don't you have some chocolate? Ice Cream?" Carla yelled.

Drew was getting annoyed with the kid. That's why he never wanted to try babysitting. He brought out his phone again to text Milani.

Drew: Lani! Please...I need you.

Milani: I can't. Sheesh...don't you have other friends?

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