Summer House (Contestshipping)

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Milani: Hey.

May: Hi Milani!

Dawn: Nice to see you hanging out with the girls for once.

Milani: I have been hanging out with the guys more lately. Whoops.

Misty: Anyway...we got another oneshot!

Milani: Yup! For the challenge!

May: Ooh. What challenge?

Misty: It's a secret.

May: Aww.

Milani: Enjoy the oneshot!


Misty, Dawn and Leaf have had it.

They are certain that Drew and May like each other, but they just won't admit.

Someone has to give. NOW.

And if those two won't do anything, they have to step in.

"Are you sure this is going to work, Misty?" Dawn asked.

"Sure I'm sure, Dawn. If not, I'll hit Drew with a mallet." Misty said.

"Ok...there she is." Leaf said as May entered the room. The three girls hid in another room.

May noticed that there was an envelope lying on the table. She took it and opened it. It contained a letter and a photo. It was a photo of a nice looking summer house.

May Maple,

Congratulations! You are the lucky Pokémon Coordinator who gets to stay in this summer house for a week! Enjoy your stay.

Contest Committee.

"OMG! This is so awesome!" May squealed. "Misty, Dawn, Leaf! Come here!"

And the three girls entered.

"What is it, May?" Misty asked.

"I get to stay in a summer house for a week, and I want you girls to come with me!" May said.

"Oh...the thing is...I need to look after the gym." Misty said.

"And I think it is unfair that you're the lucky winning coordinator, but then I also join you. That would make both of us the winners, and that's not right." Dawn said.

" some research work to do." Leaf said.

"Oh. Okay." May said in disappointment.

"We'll still visit you." Misty said.

"Okay. You guys better visit."


Day 1

May arrived at the summer house. She went inside to the living room to see a comfy looking couch. She looked out to the windows and saw a beautiful view of the beach.

She then went inside the kitchen...and well...there are appliances for cooking there. Just a typical kitchen.

She then went inside the bedroom and she was amazed by the king sized bed.

She had all that space. For herself?

May cheered as she jumped on the bed. She was happy with all the space she got...



...until she saw another bag lying at the corner of the room.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now