CPCQ Challenge #2: Grandpa and Ice Cream

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Drew: Hello. So...we were supposed to post this few days ago...but someone was too lazy to evaluate it.

Elemeno: Yo. So...before we start with the oneshot, I just wanna say that I have a new book. It's a rant book called 'Hey...'

Gary: Uh...okay.

Jace: So...my oneshot for the second challenge...

Elemeno: You don't have to do it...for now.

Jace: Phew.

Drew: So anyway...here's my oneshot for the second CPCQ challenge. Enjoy the oneshot.

Gary: Wait...why did this need thorough evaluation anyway?

Drew: To make sure that I followed the criteria...and Elemeno said so. Now...on with the oneshot.


(Jace's POV)

So here I am having some caramel cake at a café here in Lumiose City.

It's my first time visiting the Kalos region, and wow. This place is awesome!

While eating my cake, I'm also looking at some pics on my phone.

There's one of me in the Pokeathlon. There's a shot of my Furret. There's a picture of Milani with her Blaziken. Oh. And here's a pic of Milani and her Roserade. Here's Milani with her Pikachu. Oh. And this one is just a pic of Milani. I think she was saying, 'It's MILANI, you butt head.' I don't even know how this photo how taken.

Yeah...I don't know why I am so many photos of this girl. She is my friend.

But she's not my girlfriend.












I looked up and I saw a girl with short black hair waiting for someone. I don't really know who she is, so I guess she doesn't matter much.

"OMG! Milani, you're here!" The girl said.


"Shiela! Hi!" Milani said as she sat opposite of Shiela. "So...why did you call for me?"

"Well...you know that guy I really like? He has a girlfriend!" Shiela said.

"Wait...which guy?" Milani asked.

"Jay." Shiela said.

"Yikes. After all the set-ups Irwin did." Milani said. "Sorry, Shiela."

"So...how have you been?" Shiela asked.

I wanted to listen in more to their conversation, but my blasted phone had to ring. Paul is calling me. Wait...Paul?!

I went to the bathroom to answer the call.

"Hey, Paul." I told him.

"I hate you." He said.

"What'd I do?" I asked. Seriously, what?

"I looked like a girl with the clothes you let me borrow."

"Huh? I gave you a shirt and a jacket. My jeans didn't fit you, so you had to stick to your swim shorts."

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now