Curiosity (Marissonshipping)

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Milani: Hi.

Drew: Hello.

Gary: Hey, Mimi. Did you Google when Leafgreenshipping Day is?

Milani: Yes.

Gary: When is it?

Milani: I don't know.

Gary: You said you Googled it!

Milani: What? I saw two dates, so I wasn't sure.

Gary: Then we shall celebrate in those two days! Woop Woop!

Paul: You're pathetic, Gary.

Milani: Yup. Anyway...we will be doing a new shipping here on the book. As requested by @FanfictionRanger, we will be doing Marissonshipping, which is the shipping between Alain and Mairin. If you guys don't know, they are the main characters of the Mega Evolution Special.

Ash: So guys, enjoy the oneshot!

Milani: My line, Ketchum. You only get to say that if it's your oneshot.

Ash: Haters gonna hate.

Gary: That's my boy! *high fives Ash*

Milani: *whacks both Gary and Ash with her mallet*

Drew: By the way, there might be some spoilers here, especially if you haven't watched the Mega Evolution Specials yet.


Mairin was walking around Lumiose City with her good pal Chespie. She has been wandering around Kalos for about a year now. She hasn't really done much since her short adventure with Alain where they learned more about Mega Evolution.

She missed those times when she was still traveling. She wished Alain would just come to her and take her on his journey again.

Mairin entered the Juice Shoppe as she ordered Chespie a special berry drink. After ordering, she immediately ran off to the exit, but as she got there, she almost fell down to her face. If it weren't for Chespie's Vine Whip, she might have bruised her face or something.

They continued walking as Chespie enjoyed his drink. Meanwhile, Mairin was deep in thought as she thought of Alain and what he might be up to lately. She's sure that he is still on the search of Mega Stones with his boss, Lysandre.

Mairin hasn't heard from Alain since they went their separate ways. They didn't give each other's numbers or anything. Mairin didn't even have a phone, a Pokegear, a PokeNav, a Poketch, a Xtransceiver or even a Holo Caster, just like the one Alain has.

I mean...the Holo Caster was made by Lysandre Labs. She could have asked one from Lysandre when they saw each other back in Hoenn.

She sighed. All she could do is wonder what Alain is up to and hope he is doing alright.

She and Chespie continued walking when Mairin tripped.

Chespie pulled her up with his Vine Whip. Mairin thanked Chespie and she shook off the particles that might have stayed on her shirt.

Chespie then poked her leg and pointed to the building they right in front of.

It was Professor Sycamore's Laboratory.

Of course this place holds a special place to Mairin's heart. This is where she started off as a trainer when she got her partner, Chespie.

She remembered the time she chose her first Pokémon. There were only a Chespin and a Froakie, since the Fennekin was chosen by another trainer just the day before Mairin came. She didn't mind, though. She was happy that the Chespin wasn't chosen yet.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now