Father's Approval (Contestshipping)

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Disclaimer: I do not own the songs used in this story.

Enjoy the story. Hihi. This will be two songfics combined into one oneshot. I suggest that you play the songs while reading.


Hello. My name is Drew Hayden. I am a Pokémon Coordinator from LaRousse City, Hoenn. I am the son of Rosalie Senna-Hayden and Anthony Hayden. My mother is a top coordinator, but she now works in a flower shop. My father is a businessman and he's barely home. My mom and my aunts would be the ones who would take care of me. I also became really close with my cousins, who are also girls.

I promised myself that once I become a father, I will always spend time with my children and my wife. At first, I thought it was impossible to accomplish that because I was never interested in girls. The only girl around my age who I was comfortable with was my cousin, Milani, who happens to be one of my best friends too. I thought she was the only girl my age who I would consider to be a friend.

That all changed in one fateful day.

I was preparing for a contest in Slateport City when I saw this rookie coordinator. I thought she was an amateur, but I have always respected her enthusiasm. She would gradually improve. She went from the amateur girl to my most important rival to my most special friend...and something more.

Her name? May Maple.

My little petty crush on May ended up being romantic feelings of love. I never thought I'd feel that way for her, but that's how things went. I'm usually not the nervous type, but when I finally asked her to be my girlfriend, I'm pretty sure I almost fainted. She made fun of how nervous I was, but she said yes anyway.

I've met her family lots of times. Her mom is really nice. Her brother is okay. But the one man who doesn't seem to trust me is her father, Norman. He's really protective of May, and I totally understand that. She is his little princess after all, but I'm about to make her my queen.

To be honest, I'm still a bit terrified of Norman, but this time, I have to man up and ask him if I could marry his daughter.

Yeah...I said it.

So...I'm here in Petalburg City to hopefully ask for Norman's approval.

Thursday morning.

I knocked on the Maples' door, and I was welcomed by the one and only daddy dear.

"Um...good morning, Mr. Maple." I greeted nervously.

"What brings you here? May is with her mom doing some shopping right now." Norman asked sternly.

"Um...Mr. Maple, sir. I would like to ask you...if you could allow me to marry your daughter. I love her so much, and I promise that I will take care of her for the rest of my life." I said nervously. He glared at me.


"Drew. I can't let you just take my daughter away from me." Norman said. "Now. Go."

"But, Mr. Maple, please." I begged.

"Nope." Norman said as he brought out his Slakoth. "Use Fury Swipes!"

Slakoth attacked me, but after one fury swipe to the chest, I ran off.


But I'm not giving up.

Friday morning.

I decided to give it another try. Maybe Thursdays aren't Norman's best days. But hey, almost everyone loves Fridays!

I knocked on the Maples' door and I was once again welcomed by Norman.

"Why are YOU back?" Norman asked.

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