My Crazy Fangirl (Contestshipping)

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Milani: *smashes head on laptop*

Jace: Hey...

Milani: What do you want? I're here to tell me that I should start working out for the Pokeathlon thingy. (In my Stuck with them Pokémon Peeps book, we will be having this Pokeathlon human version.)

Jace: Yes that...and you seem bummed lately.

Milani: I got no oneshot idea for today. I already have some for the next days, but not one for today.

Jace: Why don't know what...never mind. The real reason why I came here is to give this oneshot. Gary told me you were out of ideas, so there.

Milani: Thanks. do the 'enjoy the oneshot' thing.

Jace: Ok...readers...enjoy the oneshot. Warning: This will be full of 5 Seconds of Summer references.

Milani: Wait...what?


(Drew's POV)

"And today's number one's 5 Seconds of Summer with their hit single, She Looks So Perfect." The announcer on the radio said.

"OMG! 5SOS! AHHH!" May yelled in a very fangirly way.

*sigh* I don't get why she's so into...well...I have to admit, they're a good band, but I don't get why she reacts like that.


"You look so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear. And I know now, that I'm so down!" May sang along.

Okay...I never told this to anyone, but I actually like May.

Like...a lot.

I think she's cute and bubbly. She's very down to earth. She's really determined as well.

She's like the perfect mixture Megan Fox and Katy P...

Wait...that was from a song...Greenlight I think was the title.

Oh...yeah...and it was by 5 Seconds of Summer.

She's just a perfect mixture of beauty, cuteness...and awesomeness.

I never really give her credit for the awesomeness part, but she's really awesome.

Oh...and did I mention that I love seeing that face of hers when she's mad?

"Hey, April! You look so crazy right now." I said with a smirk.

"IT'S MAY YOU IMBECILE!" May yelled.

Let's get out, let's get out

'Cause this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down

May squealed and she danced to the song.

"June...seriously. You're cra-" I said, but she interrupted me.


Oh yeah...when it comes to this girl, never interrupt her while it's Calum Hood's part in a particular song.


Milani: WHOA. I would so react like that too. Wait...why is May also a Calum girl? Couldn't you make her like a Luke girl or something? I mean...I'm the Calum girl of this hood. Lol. Get it? *slaps knee and laughs*

Jace: Uh...who's the Calum of 5SOP?

Milani: Oh. I see your point.

Jace: Good. Please don't interrupt, Melanie.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now