Whenever You Need Me (Wishfulshipping)

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Eh. IDK how to title this story...so whatever.

Ship requested by AthenaTheWise1234


Drew: Hello.

Milani: How are you, guys?

Drew: We got a request to do Wishfulshipping.

Milani: And that's exactly what we'll be doing. Enjoy the oneshot.


Iris was the village girl. She lived a simple life of taking care of dragons. Which...if you look at it...seems pretty dang hard. But hey. Simple doesn't mean easy.

She lived in a place where you had to work for survival. She wasn't born in the society where things are just given to you. You had to find them yourself.

That's why it was not too difficult for her to set out on a journey when the Village Elder gave her an Axew.

Iris had always wanted to be a Dragon Master, and the time she was given Axew means the beginning of that quest.

On her journey, she met Ash Ketchum, who came all the way from Pallet Town in the Kanto region. He wanted to become a Pokémon Master. He was a bit immature, but Iris tried tolerating it.

Iris followed Ash to Striaton City where Ash wanted to challenge the gym.

There...they met Cilan.

Cilan was a bit different from Iris.

He was a fancy guy from the city. He was knowledgeable about a lot of things.

But one thing he focused on was to be the best Pokémon Connoisseur.

Some people say that being a gym leader is a dream come true...but that isn't exactly the case for Cilan.

He wanted to travel to learn more about Pokémon relationships with their trainers, and he thought Ash was the perfect traveling buddy for that.

So...ever since...the three of them traveled Unova together, and they formed an unbreakable friendship.

Of course...years have passed since then. Ash is traveling elsewhere now.

How about Cilan and Iris?

For the earlier parts, Cilan was on a solo journey. Afterwards, he had gone home to Striaton to help out in the gym.

And we now go to the main story...

Cilan had just finished a gym battle with a rookie trainer. The trainer was actually really good, and that's why he had gotten a badge.

Cilan is now cleaning the battlefield since another trainer had come to challenge Cress this time. He didn't really want the battlefield to be such a mess.

After cleaning, he went to his room where he saw a photo of him and his friends, Ash and Iris.

He was aware of what Ash has been doing. He would send him e-mail from time to time.

However, he wasn't aware of what Iris has been up to. The last time they saw each other was at the magnet train station in Goldenrod City.

He was really worried about her. Is she still doing well? Is she training hard? Just what has she been up to?

Cilan didn't want to admit it, but lately, he has been thinking of the purple-haired girl more than he should.

He wanted to call the Village Elder...but she didn't really have a phone...or that's at least what Cilan remembered. So, he tried calling Drayden instead to ask if Iris had stopped by the Opelucid Gym.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now