Don't Say You Love Me (Pokeshipping)

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A little continuation of the previous oneshot :P


After the dinner date last night, Misty was ready to do more fishing down at Route 1. She was fixing her side ponytail when she heard a knock on her door. She opened it to be greeted by a delivery guy who was holding a bouquet of roses.

“Excuse me, Miss Misty Waterflower.” The delivery guy said.

“Yes. Is that for me?” Misty asked. The delivery guy nodded as Misty took the bouquet of roses.

“Also…” The delivery guy said as he grabbed a ticket inside his bag. “here’s a movie ticket.”

“Oh. Thanks. May I ask who’s it-“ Misty said but she was cut off as the delivery guy left. “Weird.”

She noticed that there was a note attached to the bouquet.


Hi. I hope you liked the bouquet of roses. Someone I know told me that you should give roses to show how much you love a person. So…yeah…

I was informed that there was going to be a one-day only viewing of Pokémon in Love. Remember? That’s the movie your Psyduck starred in. I hope that you make it tonight.

Mr. Pikachu’

“Mr. Pikachu? Don’t tell me it’s…” Misty said. “No…it can’t be. I mean…he’s Mr. Dense.”


Misty arrived at the theater…well actually…it was an outdoor theater.

“Misty! I’m glad you can make it.” A familiar voice said. Misty turned around to see who it was.

“Ash? Hi.” Misty greeted as she saw her old friend. He had his hair all fixed. He was wearing a polo over a shirt. He was also holding another red rose and handed it to Misty. “What’s with…all this?”

“Well…we’re going to watch this movie. And I want you to know that I love you. I really really do. So, what do say Misty?” Ash said a bit nervously.

Misty was shocked as she accepted the rose. She couldn’t believe this is happening. Sure, she really likes the guy, but she felt that it’s too sudden.

“You went to Kalos and suddenly you have an idea about romance.” Misty said as she fiddled with the petals of the rose.

“Um…I guess. So…Misty…how do you feel about me?” Ash asked.

She likes him, but seriously…he’s moving too fast. She just can’t understand if Ash is for real. She felt she wasn’t ready yet. She’s not the type who lets things escalate quickly. She wants to give things time.

“Ash…you don’t know me that well.” Misty said.

“Of course I do, Misty. We’ve been through a lot in our journeys.” Ash said.

“But…you know that there is this side you’ll see about a person once you tell them you love them.” Misty said.

“And I’m willing to know more about you…because I love you.” Ash said.

Misty was a bit uncomfortable, but she has to be real with him. He never told her that he liked her, and now suddenly he says he loves her.

“Ash…I’m sorry, but I think you’re rushing things a bit. I’m not yet ready for this kind of relationship. I hope you give me some time, if you really want me. But for now, I’m okay with how things were.” Misty said.

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