Amnesia (Contestshipping)

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Milani: What's up guys?

Gary: YO!

Milani: Anyway...

Gary: Don't forget to choose who to pair with Milani! It's between Ash, Silver, Red or Drew. Or between the two OCs, Jonny and Jace.

Drew: That is assuming the Cavs win, Gary.

Gary: And they will.

Drew: Whatever.

Milani: Anyway...Drew has another oneshot!

Drew: Yeah...

Milani: So...what is it about?

Drew: It's a songfic for Amnesia...

Milani: OMG! More 5SOS!

Gary: The next thing you know we have a songfic for all their songs.

Milani: I haven't listened to all their songs though. I don't think I can songfic all their songs.

Drew: So...yeah. Amnesia.

Milani: BTW, @MayxDrew83 also made a songfic oneshot for Amnesia. I suggest you guys go check that out. It's also Contestshipping.

Drew: On with the oneshot...


It has been two years since she left.

Two years since she left her dream behind.

Two years since she left him behind.

His friends told him to move on since a lot girls are willing to be his, but he never did.

He loved her too much.

He can never be fine until he sees her face again.

But would he?

He could just go to her house and visit, but would she like that?

Because everyone says she's having the time of her life there.

I mean...who doesn't want to be a gym leader?


"May...I'm glad you made it. Ready for our date?" Drew asked.

"Um...actually...D-Drew..." May stuttered.

"Is something bothering you, May?" Drew asked.

"I'm s-sorry, Drew." May said as she let her tears fall down from her eyes.

"Why are you apologizing?" Drew asked as he put his hand on May's shoulder in a comforting way, but May rid of it.

"Drew...Drew...I'm done." May said.

"Done? With what?" Drew asked.

"Everything. Our family is going to make connections with the Birches to improve the Petalburg Gym. And...since my father is in the hospital for months, he can't be gym leader. I'll have to take over as gym leader. If I don't...we'll lose the gym. And...the only way the Birches allowed the if...I date Brendan and marry him in five years." May said.

Drew was filled with shock.

"But May...isn't there anything you can do about it?" Drew asked in worry.

"I can't do anything about it. I'm sorry. days as a coordinator are over. And Drew...I'm sorry...but we're over." May said as she walked away.

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