Hero (Leafgreenshipping)

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One night, two guys hiding behind a bush. The bush is located in front of a balcony of a particular house. The two guys had a ladder, a music player and a plan.

"I can't believe we're doing this." One of the guys said.

"Well...since you lost the bet, you get to help me out even if you don't wanna." The other guy said.

"Ugh. Are you sure your plan is going to work?"

"Definitely. She'll be mine in no time."

The balcony belonged to a certain girl's room. The girl is none other than Miss Leaf Green.

"Ok...what do we do?"

"It's simple, my boy. First, we need Leaf to go out to the balcony. Once she's out of the balcony, play the song."

"Ok...so...how do we get her to come to the balcony?"


The guy brought out something from his bag. It was a stress ball.

"A stress ball? I thought you were going to bring out your phone to text her or something."

"This has to be a surprise attack. I'll throw the ball to her balcony entrance. She'll notice it and she'll go out to find out who is messing with her."

"Would a stress ball work?"

"Of course it will. We don't wanna break her balcony entrance now don't we?"


"Okay. Here goes!"

The guy threw the stress ball directly to the balcony entrance. They waited, but Leaf wasn't coming out.

"Not working."

"Ugh. I knew she wouldn't notice it at first."

The guy brought out more stress balls and threw them until Leaf finally went outside to check who was throwing.

"Ok...so...I play the song?" The other guy said as he almost pressed the button to play the song.

"Not yet, idiot!" The guy said to stop his companion. "Put the earplugs on first."

"Right." He said as they put on the earplugs. The main guy nodded to signal the other guy to play the song, which was the Jigglypuff's song.

The lullaby managed to put Leaf to sleep. The main guy pressed stop on the music player. He tiptoed to the balcony with the ladder. He positioned the ladder and went up.

"You look so pretty when you're asleep, Leafy." The guy whispered as he carried her down the ladder. He went back to his companion.

"So...are we done?"

"Nope. This is just phase 1 of my super amazing plan!"

Leaf opened her eyes and saw that she was tied up on a chair. Her mouth was covered with duct tape. She squirmed as she tried to get loose.

One of the guys then showed up and stood next to Leaf. He was wearing a robber's mask to hide his identity. He just silently stood there with a long stick. Leaf was giving him a death glare, but he ignored it.

Suddenly, the door was opened and a guy wearing shades came in. The guy had spiky brown hair.

"Hey you! Let her go!" The guy in shades yelled.

"Who are you?" The guy next to Leaf said.

"The name's Justin. Just in time to save my girl from an idiot like you."

"Nice to meet you, Justin. Allow me to introduce you to my stick!"

"Ha! You're stick is nothing compared to my awesome-" 'Justin' said as he tried to bring out a sword, but he was knocked down unconscious. It was done by a girl with orange hair and a side ponytail.

"Dang it, Gary! You're so corny and pathetic." The girl said.

"Yikes." The guy said.

"As for YOU! What have you done to my friend?!" She yelled as she reading to hit the guy with her mallet.

"Please don't hurt me, Misty!" He yelled. Misty stopped and brought down her mallet as she noticed the familiar voice.

"Ash Ketchum? Is that you?" Misty said.

The guy removed his mask to reveal his face. And yes, it is Ash Ketchum.

"Eh heh. Sorry, Misty. You too, Leaf." Ash said as he removed the duct tape covering Leaf's mouth.

"AH!" Leaf shouted as the tape was removed. "Ash, what the heck is wrong with you?!"

"It wasn't me! He made me do it!" Ash yelled as he pointed at the unconscious Gary.

"Huh?!" The two girls yelled in unison.

"He wanted to get Leaf's attention, so we kidnapped her last night. And then, I have to pose as the sole kidnapper while he was going to be the hero who will save her from the kidnapper...well um...me." Ash explained.

"Gary Oak, you idiot. That is the worst idea ever. You deserve that mallet to the head." Leaf said.

"Dang right he does!" Misty added as she faced Ash. "But...why would you agree on doing this?"

"I didn't want to! He only forced me to do it because I lost our bet." Ash answered.

"And...what was the bet?" Misty asked.

"About the Tauros and Escavalier game. I was cheering for the Tauros, while he was cheering for the Escavalier. We made a bet. If the Tauros won, he would do whatever I say for a whole week. If the Escavalier won, it would be the other way around. Unfortunately, the Escavalier won." Ash answered.

"Poor you." Leaf said.

"I'm really sorry, Leaf." Ash said.

"He's just so dumb sometimes." Leaf said. "I mean. He doesn't have to go through all this just to get my attention."

"Well...he wanted you to see him as a hero."

"I see. Well...we better get out of here."

"Right." Ash said as he dragged the still unconscious Gary.

"Man...he's been out for a while." Leaf said.

"Oops...did I kill him?" Misty said jokingly.

They placed Gary on a couch. Leaf was there next to him.

"Gary Oak, better have a simpler plan next time. Sheesh." Leaf said, but Gary was still asleep. "But...for your efforts...no matter how dumb..."

She leaned on him a little to give him a quick kiss to the cheek. Leaf backed to give him some space. Suddenly, a smirk grew from Gary's face.

"I always knew that you love me, Leafy." Gary said with his eyes still closed. Leaf grabbed a pillow and hit Gary hard.

"Ugh. Gary, have you been awake this whole time?" Leaf asked.

"I was only out for like 5 minutes. Dang, I'm gonna kill Ash for blurting out the plan."

"Well...it failed anyway."

"Not really. I still got a kiss from you."

"Shut up you arrogant jerk!" Leaf yelled as she whacked Gary with a pillow, and she left the room.

"I love you, Leaf! And I know you love me too!" Gary yelled.

So...there you have it. I'm not used to writing Leafgreenshipping...oldrivalshipping...whatever...but I hope you guys still like this one!

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