Meaning of Roses (Contestshipping)

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May can’t believe her luck.

She was supposed to get the ferry to Slateport City, but she got a ferry to Lilycove City instead. As soon as she got to Lilycove, she hopped on an express train. She thought that the train will just take her to the other side of the city where the ferries to Slateport were located, but she ended up getting the train to LaRousse City.

And when she got to LaRousse City, the robo-blocks greeted and asked for her passport. She knew that she had a horrible picture on her passport, so she lied about misplacing it. The robo-block, however, made her another passport that had the same picture from before.

She made her way to the electronic sidewalks. She wanted to walk to the red path, but she was pushed by some huge lady to the green path.

The green path finally reached its end. May hoped that her bad luck has ended as well.

She walked around and saw some random guy give a red rose to some girl. The guy looked nervous and lost on his words, but the girl accepted the rose and gave him a kiss on the cheek. May awed at the moment.

“Hmm…I didn’t know that a red rose could mean so much.” May said to herself, but an old woman was able to hear her.

“You know, lass, roses have a lot of meanings. These meanings could come from the number and the color.” The old woman told her.

“Really. I didn’t know about that.” May replied.

“Well…I suggest you visit Madame Rosalie’s flower shop then. She can answer anything about flowers, most especially roses.” The woman said as she gestured to the flower shop.

“That seems like an awesome place to check out. Thanks!” May said as she walked over to the flower shop.

She was about to enter the shop when she saw the shop’s back garden. It was filled of blooming flowers. There were some Roserade and Roselia watering the flowers. She then saw another guy walk out of the shop and he was holding a bouquet of white roses. She overheard him say that it was for his daughter.

She entered the shop and she was awed by the wonderful display of flowers that surrounded the shops.

Madame Rosalie, who was standing behind the counter, noticed her, and she smiled at the obvious joy on May’s face. She then noticed something very familiar with her…

“You’re May Maple from Petalburg City, am I right?” Madame Rosalie said catching May’s attention.

“Yeah. I am. How did you know?” May asked politely as she approached the counter.

“I’ve seen some of your contests on TV. You’re really good. Actually, my son would talk about you all the time.” Madame Rosalie said while chuckling at the last part. May wanted to ask something about her son, but maybe he was just a fan.

“That’s awesome…I guess. So…are you Madame Rosalie?” May asked.

“Yes, I am. And…it’s nice to finally meet you, May.” Madame Rosalie answered.

“It’s nice to meet you too. So…I heard around town that you know all about roses and stuff. I got curious about what they mean, and a woman told me that you knew these meanings.”

“Well…she’s not lying. So, do you really want to know what they mean?”

“I would be nice to know. Hope you don’t mind.”

“Really, May? This could change your life forever.”

“Might not be that drastic of a change.”

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