Adverse Effect (Contestshipping)

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Milani: What up homies?

Drew: What?

Milani: Anyway...this oneshot is technically an alternate ending of my previous oneshot, Black Magic. This one will still follow Contestshipping. BTW, I got this idea thanks to @MayxDrew83 's comment.

Drew: Why do you give her ideas people?

Milani: Anyway, enjoy the oneshot!

In the previous oneshot... (May's POV)

May, meet me at Pancake Palace tomorrow lunch. Ok...I know Pancakes for lunch sounds weird, but hey, this life of mine is getting weird. Hope to see you there. –D.H.

I went to Pancake Palace at exactly 12 noon so that I can meet up with D.H., who I assumed was Drew. Right?

I saw Drew sitting alone. was weird not seeing him mobbed by crazy fangirls.

I approached him slowly until I reached him.

"May, I see you made it." Drew said.

"Yeah. So...why'd you want to meet up with me, Drew?" I asked.

"Well...I have important business to take care of, but first...I need to make an important call. I'll be back." Drew said as he left to make a call.

This is perfect. I took out the potion out of my bag. Oh would you look at that. He had already ordered iced tea for two. Drew, you're making this too easy for me.

I noticed that one iced tea was lesser than the other. I guess he already drank out of that one.

I looked around to make sure no one is present. Eh. Looks like the coast is clear. I opened the bottle and put a drop of the potion on Drew's iced tea.

I swiftly closed the bottle and returned it in my bag. And after just a few seconds, Drew came back.

"Hey, Drew. So...what's up?" I asked as he took his seat.

"Eh. Stuff." He answered as he took a sip from his iced tea. Oh heck yeah.

Now...I wonder if it works...

Hmm...nothing. He still looks normal. Oh man.

Suddenly, I heard a barrage of footsteps coming our way. Who could be there?

"Well...they're coming." Drew said.

"Who's coming?" I asked.

And just like that...a horde of crazy fangirls appeared.

"Oh my gosh! There's our Drewbae!"

"I love you, Drew!"

"Wait? Is he on a date with May? I thought they were rivals."

Drew then smirked and looked at the girls.

"Why yes...we are rivals. And yes, I am on a date with May." Drew said to the fangirls, causing them to react negatively.

Wait...did he just say that...I'm on...a date with him?

Oh my gosh.

I think the potion worked!

"Oh...and by the way, lay a finger on my girlfriend here, and I will have someone dispose of you." Drew threatened.

Did he...just call me...his girlfriend?

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