At the Pier (Fourthwheelshipping)

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Milani: Yellow peepolettes.

Drew: The what?

Milani: So for this oneshot we'll be doing a shipping I have never written about before.

Drew: It's called Fourthwheelshipping. A shipping between Max and Bonnie.

Milani: Line stealer.

Drew: This one is a bit light on the romance, but I hope you guys still enjoy the oneshot.

Milani: Drew, stop stealing my lines.

It was time for the Butterfly Festival in Primea City in the Pikan region. The festival which romance.

By butterfly...I mean Butterfree and Beautifly.

It just so happens that the Maple family are having their vacation in Primea.

"Wow! I can't believe we made it just in time for the Butterfly Festival! This is so awesome!" May said in awe.

"Hey, May! Look up there!" Max said as he pointed something at the sky.

It was a group of Beautifly and Butterfree flying from the horizon.

"So awesome!" May said.

"May, you're saying awesome way too much again." Max said.

" the way...your father and I are having dinner in one of the fanciest restaurants here in Primea." Caroline said, getting the attention of her children.

"You two behave, okay? Don't do anything stupid." Norman added.

"We won't, dad." Max said. " least I won't. I'm not sure about May."

"Whatever, Max." May said.

"Ok...we trust you two. See you." Caroline said as she and Norman left.

May and Max are now alone in their hotel room.

"Ok...there's no way I'm gonna stay in this little hotel room for the whole day. I need to see the whole Butterfree-Beautifly thing! Max...are you with me?" May said.

"Sure, May. I want to see the whole thing too." Max replied. "But do you know the best location where we can watch the show?"

"Nope!" May said proudly.

"Typical May." Max said.

"Well...we'll be able to find a perfect place to watch the festival. Let's go, Max!" May said as she dragged Max out of the room.

May and Max arrived at the town square since that's probably the best place to watch the show. was way too crowded.

"There's so many people here, May." Max said. "How about we just go back to the hotel?"

"No way, Max! We're watching the show!" May demanded.

"You can't enjoy the show with many people." Max said. " about we go to the Eastern port? I heard it's near a research laboratory, so it's not hard to find."

"Fine...let's go." May said as she and Max left the town square and walked to the port.

May and Max arrived at the port.

May continued walking to the research facility while Max stopped as he noticed a girl with yellow hair sitting alone at the pier.

Max blushed as he saw her.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now