Collide (Hypershipping)

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Hypershipping: Barry and Bianca. My source is bulbapedia.
Barry just got to the Unova region. He wanted to get to the ship to Nuvema Town, but he got to Aspertia City instead.

"Ugh...I'm fining whoever mixed up my ticket!" Barry yelled.

Barry continued walking until he saw the Pokémon Center. He is supposed to register there to allow him to collect gym badges in the Unova region.

"Unova League here I come!" Barry said as he ran to the center.

While he was running, another person also rushed to the Pokémon Center.

"Out of my way. Out of my way!" A girl said as if she was already expecting someone to run into her.

Barry did not notice her. He still ran fast. Unfortunately, the girl was running fast as well...and she was coming from the opposite direction!

The two continued to run when suddenly....


They collided.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." The girl repeatedly said.

"Ugh...I'm so fining you! Pay up in 10, 9..." Barry said as he stood up.

"Huh?! I don't have that much money with me! Is there anything else I can do to make it up to you?" The girl said nervously. Barry was surprised. Normally, people will get mad at him if he fines them.

"You're getting away this time. Okay? That's because you're nice." Barry said.

"I know! If you want, I'll show you around Aspertia City. Plus, my good friend, Cheren, is the gym leader here." She said energetically.

"You mean it? Wow. You're not that bad, I guess. By the way, my name is Barry and I'm from Twinleaf Town of the amazing Sinnoh region."

"Nice to meet you, Barry. I'm Bianca from Nuvema Town. So...shall we get you registered then?"

"Thanks, Bianca!"

And Barry and Bianca made their way to the Pokémon Center. After that, Bianca showed Barry around, and she led him to the gym. Barry immediately won his first Unova badge. Barry then got himself his own Xtransceiver. He and Bianca exchanged numbers. Bianca made her way back to Nuvema while Barry went to Virbank City.

Barry wouldn't admit it, but he's actually looking forward to seeing Bianca again.

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