Good Girls (Contestshipping)

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Milani: Hi.

Drew: Someone is finally done with her internship. I bet you're rested now.

Milani: Eh. Not really. I've been having a hard time sleeping.

Drew: Yikes...

Gary: Hey! The challenge, Mimi!

Drew: Mimi? Seriously?

Milani: Ssh, Gary. That's a secret.

Drew: What are you guys talking about?

Milani: Anyway, here's another Contestshipping oneshot! Enjoy.

Gary: I surely will.

Drew: HEY! What challenge?


May Maple.

She was considered the good girl. She was the perfect, goody-two shoes girl.

She's friendly, kind, and considerate.

She always got the best grades...a straight A student for crying out loud.

Ok...she can be clumsy, but she's smart alright.

Her parents are proud of her. They love her to death.

Especially that overprotective father of hers.

Yup...she's a good girl. She's daddy's favorite.

He's even saved for the most expensive schools in the country. He knows she'll make it.

She does well in school, and she's no cheater. She always shows up in class. She's never truant.

Oh. And she is the best in her French class. She's pretty fluent.

And when she's at home...she studies hard in her room.






At least...that's what her parents assume.


She checked her phone and to check the message she had just received.

Let your hair down, Rapunzel ;) I'm here in your backyard.

She opened her window to see her boyfriend.

He didn't say a word as he gestured her to go down. They didn't want to make so much noise.

He quietly put up the ladder so May can go down.

She now sneaks out the window to meet with her boyfriend.

As soon as May got down, he set aside the ladder, and he approached his girlfriend.

"Drew, I was studying." May said.

"'s Friday night. Why the heck are you still studying?" Drew said.

"Because we have a major quiz in Professor Oak's class on Monday." May answered.

"We've got Sunday night to study." Drew replied.

"Drew...I got an A- in the last quiz. I need to catch up if I want to maintain my grades." May said.

"Okay, May. I understand your grade consciousness. Fine...I won't bother you after tonight." Drew said.

"Fine, Drewbae. Love you." May said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

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