Clarity (Contestshipping)

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"Time is up! Now let's look at the scoreboard to see who our winner is." Jillian said.

It was the Johto Grand Festival. It was just the second round of the battles round, and Drew and Harley were already pitted against each other. Although the two of them have known each other for a quite a while now, it is actually just the first time that these two battled each other. Normally, May would beat Harley before she battled Drew. This time, whoever is the winner will end up battling May in the quarter finals.

It was a grueling battle between Harley's Cacturne and Wigglytuff, and Drew's Roserade and Absol. Now that time has run out, who will be the winner?

"It was a close battle indeed, but the winner is Harley from Slateport City!" Jillian announced. Drew's face was filled with shock and disappointment. It's already the fourth time he's lost in the Grand Festival, but none were as disappointing as this one. I's freaking Harley Cacturehead.

Drew left the arena and went straight to his room. He lay down on his bed and just reflected. He then recalled the other Grand Festivals he's been in, and how he got eliminated.

First: It was against Solidad, and he got totally beaten.

Second: It was against Robert in the final round. Again...totally beaten.

Third: It was against May. He wasn't totally beaten. In fact, it was down to the wire. It was definitely one of the best battles he's been a part of.

He sighed. The losses he had in previous Grand Festivals were from a mentor, a respectable guy, and the girl he liked.


He meant...the girl the he considered his most important rival.

And Harley?

Probably the most despicable man in the universe. it really the Harley factor? Or is it because he lost...again?

Drew was confused. He didn't know what to do. He'd normally do training again, but his mind just won't stop.

He decided to do something he's never done in a while.

Go back home to LaRousse City.

It still wasn't the end of the Grand Festival, but he decided to leave early. But before that, he wanted to check out May and Harley's battle. To his surprise, Harley had also defeated May. He saw the disappointment in May, but she wasn't crying like last time.

He then saw her talking to Solidad. He wanted to cheer her up, but she seems that she can manage. In fact, she was already filled with determination to beat Harley next time.

Unfortunately for him, he still has a lot in mind. He approached Nurse Joy to have a final check-up on his Pokémon, and also to make a delivery which included a note and a red rose. He made sure to do all this before May would have her Pokémon checked.

He rapidly left and went home.


Drew arrived in his house in LaRousse where he saw his cousin Milani who was sitting down on the couch.

"'re actually home, Drew." Milani said as she stood to approach Drew.

"Yeah, I am." Drew answered coldly.

"Sheesh. Is it snowing outside or something? Or are you just grumpy that you lost to Cacturnehead?"

"You didn't have to say that."

"I'm sorry, Drew. I got too far there. Heh. At least Solidad managed to beat him."

"Really? I didn't know."

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