He's Mine (Palletshipping)

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Milani: Hi.

Jace: Hello.

Milani: So...this will be a fun oneshot.

Jace: Yup.

Milani: First full Yaoi oneshot in Elemenoverse history.

Jace: This is will be a good one...hopefully.

Milani: Anyway...also getting five votes from the pick a number challenge, here's Palletshipping!

Jace: It was number 4 in the list.

Milani: Enjoy this beautiful Ash and Gary love.

Jace: On with the oneshot!


(Gary's POV)

They once called me the playboy. They said I couldn't keep a girl for more than 3 days. They said I had a girlfriend everywhere, from Pallet Town down to the market in Slateport City.

I didn't really love those girls. I mean...I tried to like them, but they didn't feel right for me.

I feel like...there is only this one person who I feel at peace with.

There's this guy...Ash Ketchum. He's my childhood rival and in a way...friend.

I don't know why, but so fun to just mess with him. There's just something about the way he gets mad.

I just...really, really like it.

I never really told him, but I really think he's awesome. He's a great trainer and a great guy, in general.

He's the type of guy anyone would have a crush on.

I've heard stories of girls liking him, including those girls who he traveled with. I remember this girl from Grampa's Summer Camp. I don't remember her name. I knew she wore a straw hat, and oh yeah...she went back to camp hand-in-hand with Ash. And then, they tell me that they reunited in Kalos.

There was also this girl from the Silver Conference who totally fell head over heels for him just because he saved her little Vulpix. Professor Rowan also told of me some girl who Ash saved from going to another dimension or something. Oh yeah. I even heard that some Frontier Brain has the hots for him.

And don't get me started on those other girls who he traveled with. The redhead obviously liked him. Blue hair seems to be really close with him. I won't mess with little yellow hair girl because she's still so young. I haven't met the other two, so I don't know, but I've heard rumors that they were more into guys with green hair.

It's just...I don't know. Hearing all these stories of other girls fancying Ash brings a heavy feeling in my heart.

I never thought I'd say this...but I'm really jealous.

Oh, especially those girls who he used to travel with, and how some would be like, 'I was there with him from the start' or 'I've always had his back.'

Well...sorry, but we've known each since childhood and the competition fire inside of him was lit up by me.

Dang. Now I know why I never fall in love with all those girls.

I'm in love with Ash Ketchum.

I don't know if he'd ever like me. He does consider me as one of his best friends in spite of all the mean things I've said in the past. Maybe I have a chance.

He doesn't know, but if anyone even attempts to hurt my Ashy-boy, they're gonna have to deal with me. I'm ready with a knife in hand.

And even to those girls who say they love Ash...they will have to deal with me.

He's mine.

My little Ashy-boy.


Milani: Uh...ta-da.

Jace: That's short.

Milani: Nothing happened except Gary talking.

Elemeno: Not all oneshots need to have a story. This is more of...a drabble...I guess.

Milani: Okay...

Elemeno: Hey did you know?

Jace: What?

Elemeno: I have this new book called 'Pokémon Shipping A-Z'

Milani: Some of the readers are already reading that.

Jace: Shameless self-promotion.

Milani: Anyway...hope you guys enjoyed the oneshot.

Jace: If you want, Elemeno can make more Yaoi.

Elemeno: Bye! I apologize if this went against the ships...but I couldn't think of anything.

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