Vulpix Connection (Breedershipping)

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I don't really know what the title should be...but there you go.


I HAVE RETURNED. I really left. I still log in every single day to read, vote and comment on your books.

I haven't updated anything in almost a week, but it has been weeks since I updated this one.

I've been busy with sht.

Anyway this is dedicated to JayCDaBaws . This one is long overdue. I hope you still read it.

And if ever this one bores you to death, I apologize in advance. I've never written a oneshot about Brock before.

So yeah...on with the oneshot!


After years of sweat, effort, training and falling in love with every Nurse Joy he works with, Brock has graduated from Ecruteak College of Pokémon Medicine (just go with it, okay. Brock studied in Johto, so yeah.). He finished at the top of his batch, and almost every Pokémon Center wanted to hire him.

Brock had a hard time choosing which Pokémon Center he wanted to work at.

Well...the difficult decision for him, really, is choosing which Nurse Joy was his favorite. He loved them all equally.

In the end, he went to one of his best friends, Misty, to help him choose where to work.

Misty suggested that he should work in Pewter City so that he'd be close to home, but then they already had another Pokémon Doctor there. She then suggested the Pokémon Center near the Valley Windworks in the Sinnoh region.

Brock wasn't sure if he wanted to go there. Although he is friends with the people there and that he had met them way back in his journeys with Ash, the Nurse Joy there wasn't his favorite. In fact, the Nurse Joy there is married and has two kids, Marnie and Paige.

But that was Misty's point. The reason why Valley Windworks was a good idea because there was no Nurse Joy that would distract him from working, and thus he can focus.

Plus, come on, Croagunk needs a break from Poison Jabbing him.

In the end, Brock agreed to this, and he made his way to the Sinnoh region to start working.

Now we get to the story proper...

It wasn't really busy at the Pokémon Center at the Valley Windworks.

Brock was in his office, and he was bored. He wanted to help feed the Pokémon Center Pokémon, but Marnie and Paige insisted that they'd do it. He wanted to visit other Pokémon Centers, but the mother Nurse Joy advised him to stay in case an emergency comes.

And honestly he wanted to have the rounds just to see more Nurse Joy.

He sighed. He asked the others on what he could do to help, but they insisted to let him rest so that he will be at full power once an outbreak strikes.

It's not like they're not letting Brock do anything anymore. He's still in-charge of the Pokémon food because all the Pokémon love his food way more than the stuff Nurse Joy makes. He still advices the kids when taking care of Pokémon.

But other than that, he's the doctor who can practically go anywhere he wants to go and only work once someone needs him.


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