Hotel (Contestshipping)

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Milani: What's up peeps?

Drew: I thought you don't have an idea for a oneshot.

Milani: Thanks to internship...I do!

Drew: What ship...I'll just read...when will you make other shippings again?

Milani: Idk.

Drew: Ok. Whatever.

Milani: Enjoy the oneshot!

Drew is in Goldenrod City to compete in another Pokémon Contest.

He was looking forward to seeing a particular rival, and he prayed that no fangirls will stand in his way.

He made his way to the hotel he was planning to stay in...when suddenly...

"OMG! It's Drew Hayden!" Someone said in a very fangirly way.


Except it was a masculine voice.

"OMG! It is!" Another male said as he went beside the other guy.

"He's such a cutie patootie!" Another male said.

Drew looked at them...and he was officially weirded out.

It got even weirder since the three men were approaching him.

"Hey, Drew. OMG. I can't believe it's you. I bet you're here to enter the Goldenrod Contest." One man said.

"Uh...yes." Drew answered awkwardly.

He could be sassy and be his arrogant Drew-y self...but he just can't. He's too weirded out.

"And you're going to stay in the Goldenrod Hotel?" Another man asked.

"Um...yes." Drew answered awkwardly.

"OMG! It just so happens that we worked in that hotel. We'll make sure to give you the best service as possible." Another man said.

"Come on, Drewbae. We'll be glad to show you inside." Another man said as they all went inside the hotel.

"If you need some room service, dear, just call us, 'kay?" One of the men said. "The counter is over there. See ya, Drewbae."

The three men left.

Drew shook it off and he went to the counter.

"Excuse me. I'll have a room for one, please." Drew told to the receptionist...who happens to be a male.

"OMG! You're Drew Hayden! The Prince of Hoenn! OMG!" The man said fangirlike.

"" Drew said, but he was interrupted.

"Drew...I can't believe you're here. You're such a little cutie! Do you have a girlfriend?" The man asked.

" the current moment of time I don't." Drew said awkwardly.

"What?! A cutie like you has no lady?" The man said in disbelief.

"Um..." Drew said awkwardly.

"Well...I believe that you'll find that very lucky girl. You know...I'm very intrigued by this relationship you have with May Maple. Is there something going on between you two?" The man intrigued.

Drew blushed.

"Uh..." Drew said.

"OMG! You're now a cutie patootie who is blushing! You're so cute. Like a little baby unicorn!" The man said.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now