Rival in Need (Contestshipping)

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Gary: Milani! You're falling behind schedule!

Milani: I know. I might do multiple uploads.

Gary: What do you mean might? You have to do multiple uploads for the challenge.

Milani: Ok...so I'll just think of anything random? I need inspiration.

Gary: Uh...some of your oneshots are random, kinda like the Pikachu one...and that's quite popular.

Milani: Uh...actually that one was a bit inspired as well because I thought of writing that after I watched the episode, 'Showdown at Dark City'.

Gary: Oh. I've got it! Let's do another 5SOS songfic! I'm thinking English Love Affair.

Milani: NO!

Gary: Why? I'll do the oneshot.

Milani: It'll still be...you know...inappropriate for my book.

Gary: Sheesh. Fine.

Milani: I do have something else...we'll have a Drew's POV of the episode, 'The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing'.

Gary: Okay.

Milani: Enjoy the oneshot!


The Grand Festival ended more than a week ago, and I still can't get over it.

Well...I've gotten over the loss...but the fact that May had defeated me...

I just can't help but be proud of her. She's come so far, and I know she's bound to do more.

Hm...I wonder how she's doing now. I wonder where she's headed next.

Well...I want to know where she's going...hopefully she goes to Johto. I mean...you know...for rivalry purposes.

I mean...it's not that I like her or something. I don't have a crush on her.


Anyway...I'm already on my way to Johto, but first...I need to meet up with Milani. The Indigo League had finished as well...and she didn't win, but she got Top 4.

Well...I don't have to really meet up with her, but she insisted.

Ugh...she's making me wait. She still had to go to Fennel Valley to meet up with some guy named Scott. Hmm...I know I've heard the name somewhere...

Suddenly, a familiar figure came from the horizon.

It was Milani. FINALLY.

"Yo, Drewbean. Sorry I took long." Milani said while panting.

"So...what did Scott tell you?" I asked.

"He wanted me to take part of the Battle Frontier. It was an interesting offer, but I have decided to go to Unova instead." Milani said.

"Right...that friend of yours is headed to Unova." I replied.

"Yeah...well...I'm not saying I'm following him or anything, but he said that Unova is home to many Pokémon I haven't seen before. That's what I want to focus on right now. I want to meet as many Pokémon as I can first. I'll take on the Battle Frontier some other time." Milani said.

"Oh okay. Did you get a glimpse of what the Battle Frontier has to offer?" I asked.

"Yup. I saw the Battle Pyramid there in Fennel Valley. Some guy named Ash Ketchum is supposed to battle Brandon, the Pyramid King." Milani said.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now