Spinarak Attack (Pokeshipping)

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No Pokémon Peeps Intro for now. I had this idea for a long time already and I initially cancelled it. This one is three months delayed...Enjoy!

We're used to Ash saving everyone, but in this story...


Ash had just left the Pokémon Center when suddenly...

"SPINARAK!!" Multiple Spinarak yelled as they used their String Shot on Ash.

"What the?! Pikachu, use Iron Tail!" Ash said, but the Spinarak String Shot his mouth. They also String Shot Pikachu, so Pikachu was unable to use his move.

A Venonat then showed up and used Sleep Powder, forcing Ash and Pikachu to fall asleep.


Misty was cleaning up her gym when a Spinarak entered the window. Misty was backing away in fear as the Spinarak slowly made its way down using its string.

Misty didn't care about why the Spinarak was there. She just wanted the Spinarak to get lost.

She was still backing away until...


It's a good thing she can swim.

The Spinarak left a piece of paper on the floor and it made its way back up out of the window.

Misty got up from the pool and she grabbed her towel to dry herself off. She noticed the piece of paper left behind by the Spinarak. She slowly got the piece of paper. There was a note written on it.


I have Ash captive. If you want him back, you must surrender your mallet to me. Come alone. Meet me at the storage house near the forest exit.

Misty felt a heavy feeling on her chest. She really wants to save Ash. He is her best friend...and well...she also has a crush on him.

However, she also felt fear. The letter was sent by someone with a Spinarak, so she had a feeling that there would be more bug types.

She also felt confusion...why the heck did this person tell her to come alone? And why didn't that person sign on the note?

And why did that guy want her to surrender her mallet?

Misty didn't care. She had to save Ash. It doesn't matter how unclear everything is.

She left the gym and went to the path going to the forest. On her way, she came across a bunch of Spinarak.

"There are so many bugs!" Misty said in fear. She took a deep breath and she composed herself. "This is for Ash, Misty. You can do it."

She finally made it to the storage house. She flinched when she saw a man...wearing a Spinarak Outfit?

"Uh..." Misty said as she slowly approached the man.

"Misty! I'm so glad you made it. People call me the Spinarak Man." He said with pride.

"Ok...where's Ash?" Misty said.

"Oh. Right. Come inside." Spinarak Man said as he went inside the storage house. Misty carefully followed him.

When she got inside, she saw webs all around the area. At the middle of the storage room, she saw Ash and Pikachu hanging.

"Misty!" Ash yelled.

"Pikachu-pi!" Pikachu yelled.

"Ash! Pikachu!" Misty said. "Okay, Spinarak Man. Let them go!"

"Give me the mallet and you get the boy and the Pikachu." Spinarak Man said.

"Why do you want the mallet anyway?" Misty asked.

"It's a very dangerous weapon." Spinarak Man said.

"If it's so dangerous, why not go to the people with guns?" Misty asked.

"F**k your logic, Misty. Besides, people with guns will kill me." Spinarak Man replied.

"Okay, fine. We'll have a Pokémon Battle." Misty said. "If I win, you set Ash free, and I keep my mallet."

"No way! The wager here is that you can have Ashy-boy and I get the mallet!" Spinarak Man yelled.

Misty thought...is there a way to...

"Hmm...Gyarados, come on out!" Misty said as she released her Gyarados.

"I said no battling, Misty!" Spinarak Man yelled.

"I won't battle." Misty said. "Gyarados, use Flamethrower on the strings!"

Gyarados followed Misty's orders and used its attack to set Ash and Pikachu free.

"Thanks, Misty!" Ash said as he suddenly hugged her, causing her to blush a little.

"Uh...you're welcome, Ash." Misty said a bit awkwardly.

Ash, realizing what he had done, released from the hug.

"Uh...sorry 'bout that, Mist." Ash said. "Let's go."

The two then went made their way out when...

"Excuse me, you two lovebirds!" Spinarak Man said. "You aren't getting away that easily!"

A group of Spinarak then fell from the ceiling, blocking their exit.

"Ahh! Bugs!" Misty yelled in fear.

"Don't worry, Misty." Ash said. "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"


And just like the all the Spinarak fainted.

"Uh..." Spinarak Man uttered. "I should've thought more on this plan."

"Hmm...well...since you wanted my mallet so badly..." Misty said as she approached Spinarak Man. "I'll give you a taste of it."


And now Spinarak Man lays down unconscious on the ground.

"Let's go, Ash." Misty said.

"Yeah. That guy is creepy." Ash replied.

The two made their way out of the storage house.

Well...whoever Spinarak Man was did not think this one through. Misty managed to get Ash and Pikachu back, and she still has her mallet.

"So, Misty. Spinarak Man said that mallets are evil. I don't get him. I mean...the only person I know who doesn't mallets is..." Ash said.

"Never mind about him, Ash." Misty said. "What matters is that you and Pikachu are safe."

"Yeah..." Ash said. "So...do you wanna go get some smoothies?"

"I'd love to, Ash!"


Ta-da! So...I guess you guys have an idea who Spinarak Man is. This isn't like the super cheesy romance kind of oneshot, but whatever. Hope you guys enjoyed the oneshot!

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