Looking Back (Ikarishipping)

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Disclaimer: The image does not belong to me. I got it from fanpop. Well...it is a screenshot from the episode, "Familiarity Breeds Strategy."


(Paul's POV)

A friend...did I really need one?

For the longest time...I thought I didn't.

Especially since the only friend when I was a child left and broke my heart...and that's when I thought friends are irrelevant.

Well...even though I was young then, I admit that I had feelings for her.


I held a purple daisy as I wanted to meet up with my good friend, Jade, again.

She is the most wonderful girl ever. I didn't have many friends, but she was more than willing to be mine.

As soon as I got to her place, I saw that her parents were putting stuff in their car. Are they going on a vacation or something?

"Okay...that's the last of our things." Jade's dad said.

"I can't wait to make new friends there!" Jade said as she exited the door.

"The moving truck had already taken our other things. I hope you didn't forget anything, Jade. We're not coming back to Veilstone anymore." Jade's mom said.


"Nothing, mom! Come on! Let's go!" Jade said as she got in their car.

Her father put up a for sale sign in front of their house.

So...she is...going...to just leave...like that.

I thought we were friends. Why didn't she tell me she was leaving? Why didn't she say goodbye? Why was she so happy about...

I dropped the purple daisy I held and let the tears fall.

I can't believe my closest friend in the world just left me like that.

Forget it.

Forget her.

I don't need her.

She's irrelevant to me.

In fact...friends...who needs them? They're just going to leave you.


Since Jade left, I didn't make friends anymore. Heck...I was about to start out as a trainer anyway, so what's the point?

I just want to be the best. The strongest.

I put all the disappointments of the past to become who I was as I started my journey. But one day...I met this guy, Ash Ketchum. Yeah. He was annoying as heck. He kept on talking about being friends with everyone. I just want him to shut up.

And when we saw each other at the Oreburgh Gym, why the heck did he want me to watch him? I didn't really care what he did.

Of course...that moment led to...a certain circumstance.


Ok...so...let me get this straight. This Ash kid wants me to watch him make a total fool of himself. I need to do some training now. I don't care if I've just gotten my gym badge. Chimchar still has long ways to go before I can say it's a Pokémon worthy of becoming strong.

Please...this kid is going to lose anyway. Ash then retorted. Please...just stop being a pain already.

And...as if Ash wasn't bad enough, come in his blue-haired friend.

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