Know When to Keep Pushing (implied Contestshipping)

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Yo! What's up? Anyway...I'm sorry I haven't posted much as of late. I'm really busy with school. In spite of that, I'm still posting this oneshot just to get it off my system, especially since I have many oneshots in queue already!

Anyway...sorry for the long author's note to begin this. This will follow the story of my book of Random World of Pokémon. If you guys haven't seen that, it's about Milani and her secret chamber where she tortures that Pokémon characters, but this story won't involve the chamber. So...enjoy!


Drew was walking as he passed by Milani's school. It was already 7 PM, so Milani's classes are all done. He decided to pick her up so they can walk home together.

He waited a few minutes in front of the main gate. He saw some people wearing the same uniform as Milani, but she wasn't with those people. He noticed that people are in her class. But what's taking her so long?

He decided to go in the school. He forced himself in even though a lot of people where already going out. He successfully got through the crowd without being noticed by the guards. I mean...if he was seen by them, he would have to explain what his business there is especially since he's not a student there.

He went in the science building where he assumed Milani's classroom would be. He went up the stairs to the fourth floor (the main entrance of the building is actually on the third floor). He noticed that one of the laboratory rooms were open. He saw a tall girl wearing glasses at the doorway of the room, and he noticed that the girl was talking to someone who had a familiar voice.

" careful okay? You might get diabetes because you guys are just so sweet!" The person with a familiar voice said in a teasing manner to the tall girl. "Take care and good luck on your date! Happy birthday, Shana!"

' that's the Shana the girls have been talking about.' Drew thought.

"Thanks, Milani!" Shana said as she stepped out of the room with a familiar guy.

Shana and the guy went to the stairway where they noticed Drew.

"Oh...hi Drew! Milani is still inside with Shiela and Jeca." The guy said.

"Hi, Jonny. So...what's taking Milani long?" Drew asked.

"Eh. She and Shiela are still playing on Jeca's tablet." Jonny answered.

"Ah. I see. Thanks." Drew said. He then faced Shana. "Happy birthday. I overheard Milani greet you." Drew said.

"Thanks. She's been greeting me since our first class. I mean...she is my seatmate after all. But everyone started to sing when she greeted me." Shana said

"Milani does that a lot, actually. Anyway...we gotta go, Drew. See ya!" Jonny said as he and Shana left.

Before they left, Drew noticed something on Shana's ID. It was a picture of her and Jonny.

'Wow. How is Milani able to deal with this?' Drew thought.

He went to the doorway of the laboratory room and he immediately saw Milani and Shiela still playing while Jeca is waiting for them.

"Come on, Shiela. You have to tap on the onions to chop them." Milani said as she instructed Shiela.

"Um...seriously Milani...even at school you're playing Cooking Mama?" Drew interrupted as the girls faced him.

"Hi Drewbean!" Shiela greeted.

"Drew? How'd you get here?" Milani asked.

"I have my ways. Anyway...I wanna know why you girls are still in here even though classes are over. I thought you guys would be excited to go home after a long day." Drew said.

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