Letting Go (Contestshipping/ one-sided Admirationshipping)

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It was the day Brianna feared the most.

Valentine's Day.

She knew that she wouldn't receive anything, most especially from her crush, Drew Hayden. She has been crushing on him for a long time now to the point you might consider it as love. However, Drew didn't know exactly who she was.

They just met in Chrysanthemum Island thanks to May. Brianna knew right away that May was a threat to her chances with Drew, but maybe she's just paranoid.

However...with what she has observed with Drew...

She has watched all the contests. She has read the rumors. She has seen the way he acted in Chrysanthemum Island.

Drew likes somebody else. And that somebody else is May.

It was already late afternoon when Brianna passed by the park. She noticed that a band was setting up for a performance.

"Is there a concert here or something?" Brianna asked herself, but one of the members of the band heard her.

"Yup! We will be doing a special serenade tonight." The band member said.

"Cool. So...what's the name of your band?" Brianna asked.

"We are called The Black Rose. The members? We have Shiela Rayon as the keyboardist and rapper. We have Paul Shinji as the guitarist and backup vocals. I'm Milani Lionel, and I'm the lead singer."

Wait...Milani Lionel? From Brianna's stalking...I mean...research, Milani Lionel is Drew's cousin and closest friend.

A crowd started to gather near the stage as the show was about to start. Brianna decided to take a few steps back, though. She then noticed someone being pulled to go in front of the crowd. She was shocked with who she saw.

May Maple.

Brianna was already having bad feelings about this, but she decided to watch the show anyway.

"What's up people!" Milani cheered. "We are The Black Rose and we got a special show for you! You see, a very good friend of mine hopes to steal the heart of a certain girl he really likes. Come out here, Drew Hayden!"

Drew came up the stage a bit shyly. The crowd cheered and some of the people were already pointing out to May.

Brianna knew it. It was going to be a show Drew planned for May. It already hurt her, but she had to be strong. The last thing she wanted to do was cry in a crowded place. Everyone will know what's up.

"We'll be singing a classic 'N Sync song! Kay Drew, it's time for you to take the stage!" Milani announced. "You guys know a certain coordinator who says that, right?"

Shiela started to play some music on her keyboard. Paul started to strum his guitar for the intro. Milani started to hum.

This I Promise You ('N Sync)

(Milani...with backup by Paul)

When the visions around you, bring tears to your eyes
And all that surround you, aree secrets and lies

(Milani and Drew)
I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call

Was standing here all along

(Milani, Paul, Drew)
And I will take
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

Drew took a deep breath as he started to really feel the song.

(Drew, backup by Milani)
Over and over I fall
When I hear you call
Without you in my life baby
I just wouldn't be living at all...

(Drew- main. Milani and Paul- backup)
And I will take
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you baby

Just close your eyes
Each loving day
I know this feeling won't go away
Every word I say is true
This I promise you

Every word I say is true
This I promise you
Ooh, I promise you...

The whole crowd went in a frenzy as Paul finished playing the last chord. They all wanted May to go on stage.

"Take the stage, May! Woo!" Shiela yelled through the mic. May, by force, went up the stage to face Drew.

"Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!" Shiela and Milani cheered, and so did the crowd. Drew and May did exactly that. And everyone cheered!

Except for Brianna.

She just smiled, but it quickly disappeared as she left the park. She was definitely heartbroken with what she saw, but she expected it. But...even if she expected it, why does it still hurt so much?

She went to the station to get a ride home. Unfortunately, there weren't any rides, and lines were really long.

She decided to wait for a cab, but she waited and waited and nothing.

She then started walking. She would wait on stops in hopes of getting a ride, but still none. She continued walking until she decided that she'll just walk home even though it was already dark.

Tears started to form on her eyes. Sure, she's stressed that she couldn't get any ride, but that's just a minor detail.

A few tears would fall, but she wouldn't let them all out. Especially not outside. Especially not when she's alone.

She managed to compose herself until she got home. As soon as she entered her home, she let all the tears fall.

The tears that include pain, hardships and her lost hope.

As soon as she was done crying, she felt a sense of relief. She felt free of her worries. Sure, she's still hurt because of what happened, but this time, she'll be happy for Drew and May.

Because letting go is the first step to moving on.



So...I'm not like most people who make Brianna evil and stuff in their stories. Heck...I made her relatable to girls...I think. Anyway, hope you guys liked this one.

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