Let's Make a Story! (Contestshipping)

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Milani and Shiela are bored. All their other friends had some other business to do, so they decided to hang out for a while. They went to Milani's house and took a seat on the couch.

After a few minutes, Drew arrives and takes a seat beside Milani.

"I didn't know Shiela is with you." Drew said.

"Well, Drewbean, I'm bored. Everyone else is busy, and Milani is the only one who is also bored right now." Shiela said.

"Wait...don't you guys have class?" Drew asked.

"We have a long break." Milani answered.

"Oh. Right. So...what are you guys going to do?" Drew asked.

"Ooh! I know! Let's play a game!" Shiela said.

"Hmm...how about that thing we did during Sir Glen's class one time?" Milani said.

"Huh? The 'introduce yourself' shizz. The one where we go 'Hello. My name is blah blah blah.' The thing we read by threes? Except for you. You did that by twos." Shiela said.

"No, Shiela. The time where one starts a story out of thin air and the next person continues the story. We only get to say one sentence at a time." Milani replied.

"Oh. That is more fun! Let's do it!" Shiela said. "Drew, join us."

"No." Drew answered.

"Come on, Drew. You've got nothing to do, right? I mean...besides training for your next contest." Milani said.

"K. Fine. I'll join your little game." Drew said.

"Ok...who gets to start the story?" Milani asked.

"Let's ask the magical bottle!" Shiela said as she brought out an empty water bottle and spun it. "Ah! It looks like Milani gets to go first! Then after her will be me, then Drew, and then back to Milani."

"One day, a guy was walking around town." Milani started.

"The guy's name is Drew!" Shiela said. Drew sighed.

"Drew was on his way home." Drew added.

"But on his way home, he saw this necklace displayed in a jewelry shop." Milani added.

"The necklace had a heart shaped pendant made out of ruby!" Shiela said.

"He thought of giving it as a gift to someone." Drew said. Shiela and Milani said 'ooh' in chorus.

"He thought it would be the perfect gift to give to the girl he really, really, really, really, really, really, really loves!" Milani said.

"So Drew went inside the store and asked for the price." Shiela said.

"Drew checked his wallet to check if he had money." Drew said.

"He had enough money, so he bought the necklace!" Milani said.

"He left the store, and as he walked, he passed by this flower shop!" Shiela said.

"He noticed the red roses, but they weren't as great since he knew his Roserade could produce a better red rose." Drew said.

"So Drew walked passed the flower shop and took a breather on a bench he saw." Milani said.

"Drew brought out the necklace he bought and looked at it." Shiela said.

"He put the necklace back in the box, and he brought out his Roserade to produce a red rose." Drew said.

"Drew took the red rose and looked at it." Milani said.

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