Switch Up (Contestshipping)

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Milani: This wasn't supposed to be a oneshot, but after @MayxDrew83's comment in my other book, I decided to make this concept into a oneshot. Besides...I need as many ideas as I can get for the challenge.

Drew: What is the challenge?

Gary: Nothing, Drew.

Drew: Why the heck are you keeping this challenge a secret to me?

Gary: Because we can.

Drew: Ugh.

Milani: Anyway...here's another Contestshipping oneshot. Enjoy.

Drew: Is it Gary's oneshot again?

Milani: No...it's mine.

Drew: Good.

Gary: On with the oneshot.


Milani was fed up with her cousin, Drew.

Drew wasn't annoying her or anything...he just couldn't get himself to confess to the girl he likes.

Milani knows it's been years since Drew liked the girl, but he just couldn't confess.

Oh...by like...I mean love.

Drew said that he'll confess to the girl tomorrow morning, but Milani is not buying it. He's been saying the same line for years, but he hasn't done anything yet.

Milani had to do something. She had to take the matter into her own hands.

If Drew's not going to confess...then she will.

Milani went to her secret room of stuff to create yet another potion. Hopefully...it works.


3 hours later...

"Hey, Drewbean." Milani greeted Drew, who was at the living room.

"Hi." Drew said. "And Milani...I'm serious about confessing to May tomorrow morning. I already left her a note to meet me at 7 AM at the cliff."

"Drew...you've done that before and you just treated her to some ramen...and you didn't confess." Milani replied.

"I was taking my time, but now I'm ready." Drew said.

"Ok...take this." Milani said as she set up a grenade like object which released a gas.

"What the heck, Milani?" Drew said as the gas surrounded the area.

Little did they know...someone else entered the room...


The next day...


"WHAT?!" Drew yelled as he noticed the time on his alarm clock. It was 15 minutes before 7.

He swiftly got off bed. He brushed his teeth, and he didn't even bother looking at the mirror.

He made his way out of the house.


"OMG! I can't believe it worked!" Milani said as she was looking at herself in the mirror.

She now had green hair...and...uh...

She was pretty much Drew.

"Wow. Who knew that body switching gas thing would work?" Milani said. "What's up? My name is Drew Hayden and I love you, May Maple! OMG. This is gonna be good. I better go to the cliff before Drew...I mean...Milani wakes up."

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now