PokeChat: Almost Setup Fail (implied Ikarishipping)

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BlazingMilani: Shiela…how come u not coming to the Pokebucks?

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: Sorry…gonna go to Veilstone City to visit some fam today :-)

BlazingMilani: Oh! I know a guy with long hair from Veilstone City! Want a hookup?

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: OMG! Seriously? I’m so in! <3

BlazingMilani: I dunno…he’s not the nicest guy in the world

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: Pshaww…I don’t care if he’s a bad boy or a good boy. I just want me a guy with long hair.

BlazingMilani: Ok…his name is Paul Shinji.

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: Da fudge?! Paul Shinji is my cousin.

BlazingMilani: Whoops #almostsetupfail

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: it’s fine. Actually…I know the girl Paul likes ;)

BlazingMilani: What?! He actually likes someone?!

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair:  Yup! She’s a Pokémon Coordinator. She was in the Wallace Cup back in Sinnoh.

BlazingMilani: OMG. Zoey?

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: No.

BlazingMilani: May Maple?! OMG…Drewbean is gonna kill him!

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: No, it’s not May. Drewbean needs not to worry.

BlazingMilani: AHH. Ash Ketchum? Lol. JK. Whooo?

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: Do u know who won that contest?

BlazingMilani: Dawn Berlitz…oh…is it her?

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: Ring ring! We have a winner!

BlazingMilani: OMG! I did not see that coming. They’re like total opposites.

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: Yup. But opposites attract, right?

BlazingMilani: U got that right. Wait…how’d u find out? I doubt he told you.

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: He didn’t. You see…there was a time when I visited Sinnoh and I saw Paul watch the Wallace Cup on TV. I was like “OMG. Paul, I didn’t know you watched contests.” And he was like “It’s still a Pokémon competition. Deal with it.” But then I told him “Are you looking out for someone there?” And he be like “No.” After that, it was Dawn’s turn to have her performance. And man…he was watching intently.

BlazingMilani: Wow.

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: Oh yeah. That’s not all. Actually, I thought he was watching Ash Ketchum there because they’re rivals and everything, but he didn’t even know he was in the competition until it was his turn!

BlazingMilani: So…you assume that he was watching Dawn?

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: Oh. I’ve seen him watch a lot of contests lately. And all those contests have Dawn. One time, we were watching a contest on TV, and when Dawn did a nice move, he smiled. HE ACTUALLY SMILED. Have you ever seen Paul smile a genuine smile?

BlazingMilani: Nope. Never in my life.

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: Well…he did! I told him to confess to Dawn, but he didn’t want anyone to know.

BlazingMilani: So…why are you telling me?

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: Because you almost set me up with him!

BlazingMilani: Whoops…so anyway…I’m going to Pokebucks now! TTYS!

ILurveGuyzWitLongHair: Bye Milani!


Totally random and nonsense. But…did you guys like it? Sorry if it only included two of my OCs chatting, but this is still Ikarishipping, right? Haha.

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