Ice Cream Shop (Contestshipping)

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This is based from the third chapter of my book, Pokémon World: Adventures through Hoenn. If you haven’t read that yet, here’s a super short summary.

Milani and Drew arrive in Petalburg City for Milani’s first ever gym battle. The two go separately as Drew trains for his first ever contest while Milani challenges the gym.

Well…the first part of this story is directly taken from that chapter.


(Milani’s POV)

I was shocked to see my cousin Drew outside the gym. Actually he was hiding behind the bushes. It didn’t even look like he was waiting for me.

“Hey Drew! What are you doing here? I thought you’ll be at the Pokémon Center.” I asked him.

“What am I doing? What are you doing here? I thought you’re going to the gym.” He replied with a confused look on his face.

“Are you okay, Drew? You seem off. And I’ll have you know that building over there is the Petalburg Gym.”

“Well…um…I was just here to pick you up. I thought you might end up crying after your loss.”

“Yeah…you were.” I sarcastically said. “And yet just a few moments ago you didn’t even know this was the gym.”

“So…um…how was your gym battle? You’re in a good mood, so I assume you did well.”

“No…I lost. Seriously, what is wrong with you? Never mind…let’s go back to the Pokémon Center to have my Pokémon treated. We’ll leave for Rustboro City first thing tomorrow.”

“Don’t you want to have your rematch?”

“Do you want to miss your contest?”

He was silent after that. Seriously…he looks a bit mesmerized. He couldn’t even think of a good comeback. It was weird at the same time funny. I’ve never seen Drew act like this before. I had to joke him more.

“Did you come across a Kirlia on your way here?” I asked.

“N-n-…I mean yes. How else do you think I ended up there? That was one crazy Kirlia you know. It used its psychic powers on me because she said that you were flunking your gym battle.”

“He’s still trying to keep image, but he is obviously flustered. It was a funny sight. I wanna know what really happened. I don’t think a Kirlia is capable of doing this to him.


(Third Person POV) – Flashback

Drew was busy training with Roselia as they prepared for their first ever contest in Rustboro City. They were in the Pokémon Center in Petalburg City while waiting for Milani while she was having her gym battle.

They took a short break from training. Drew remembered that they had to go through the Petalburg Woods and Route 104 before they would get to Rustboro City. He decided to head on to the PokeMart. There, he bought lots of Potions and other healing items that they might need on their way.

It was a bit hot outside, so he decided to have some ice cream. He ordered a simple vanilla ice cream for both him and Roselia. He just took a seat on the bench near the ice cream shop to finish his dessert.

As he took the last bite of his ice cream, a girl came in with her bicycle to also order some ice cream. Drew noticed her quickly. She had light brown hair and blue eyes. She was also wearing a red shirt, blue shorts and a red bandanna.

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