Flood (Ikarishipping)

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Milani: Yo.

Drew: Look who finally came back.

Milani: Dude, it has only been a few days. I didn't have a oneshot idea until today.

Drew: So...this is a continuation of your last oneshot, "Everything I Didn't Say." Why are you making this? I'm sure no one requested it.

Milani: Well...the idea just came to me. Anyway...enjoy the oneshot.


Three years after the events of the last oneshot...

Dawn has been waiting for nearly two hours waiting for a ride home. It wasn't raining, but there was a flood.

There weren't any cabs arriving. There were other cars and motorcycles, but they were all reserved for her co-workers. Her other co-workers would have cars of their own.

Unfortunately for Dawn, she didn't have a car...and she didn't even how to drive.

She did have a bicycle before, but it has been electrocuted by her friend's Pikachu.

The others put on their emergency boots and walked through the flood. Some would just simply take on the flood without putting on boots,but they were wearing rubberized shoes.

Well...Dawn is also wearing boots...but they were designer boots.

And she has no plans on getting them wet.

Her feet were also tired of waiting. Man was she tempted to sit on the ground. She would have done that by now if she wasn't wearing a designer outfit.

Well...all hope is lost now, huh, Dawn?

Not exactly.

She noticed a motorcycle coming. She wondered why a motorcycle would be coming here. Onlt her and the security guard were left there.

The motorcycle then stopped, having its side facing Dawn.

The motorcyclist motioned Dawn to sit beside him, but she didn't really want to take a ride with someone she didn't know.

Except...the person was no stranger to Dawn.

The motorcyclist removed his helmet to show his stoic face and purple hair. Dawn was filled with shock.

"Paul?! W-What are you doing here?" Dawn asked.

"Giving you a ride home." Paul answered.

"But...how did you know I was here?" Dawn asked.

"I passed by May and Drew and they told me that you were still stranded here." Paul answered.

"I don't get why you came here. I thought you didn't care. Remember? We ended things three years ago." Dawn said.

"Dawn...can you just forget what happened three years ago and just hop on the motorcycle?" Paul said in an annoyed tone.

"Look, Paul. I don't trust you anymore. You're my ex-boyfriend, for crying out loud. Why are you suddenly here? You were never there when I needed you." Dawn said in a loud and angry tone.

"I'm here now, aren't I?" Paul said. "Now hop on already so you can go home."

"But...Paul..." Dawn said.

"What? Gary is not going to like this? Where is he then?" Paul said in an annoyed manner.

"Gary and I didn't last long. We only went out for like 2 months. He realized that he loved Leaf more, so we broke up. But still...he was a better boyfriend than you! Dang it." Dawn said with her yelling at the last part.

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