Not a Oneshot: The Bet

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*The boys are watching the NBA Finals*

Gary: Come on LeBron! Come on Cavs yeah!!!! Paul, come on, you gotta cheer too. I also want the Cavs to win, right?

Paul: Yeah, I do.

Ash: No way, Gary! The Warriors are gonna win! Right, Drew?

Drew: Yeah they will.

Gary: Puh-lease! The series is currently tied at 1-1. The Cavs stole homecourt advantage.

Drew: So? The Cavs are without Kyrie Irving for the whole series.

Paul: LeBron is still there.

Ash: So? So long as Steph Curry gets on fire, the Warriors are sure to win. Besides, Steph is this year's MVP!

Gary: Blah blah blah, Ash. The Cavs totally shut down Curry in Game 2.

Ash: Doesn't mean that the same applies for the next games.

Milani: What up, boys?

Gary: Milani...what are you doing here?

Milani: Idiot. This is my turf. I can be here whenever I want.

Paul: Ok. But you still don't know what we're talking about, right?

Drew: Quite the contrary, boys. Milani loves to watch basketball.

Milani: Heck yeah I do!

Gary: Cool...I bet you're a bandwagon fan of the Cavs. Cuz LeBron is there.

Milani: No. I'm a fan of the Bulls and the Trail Blazers, but both teams aren't on the finals.

Drew: Yup.

Ash: So...Milani? Who do you want to win?

Milani: Well...I would say Cavs, but Kyrie is I'm gonna go for the Warriors.

Gary: Hmm...wanna make a bet?

Milani: A bet?

Ash: Game!

Gary: Ok...2000 Pokedollars to the winners. If the Cavs win, Paul and I are getting 2000 Pokedollars each. If the Warriors win, Ash, Drew and Milani get 2000 Pokedollars each.

Milani: We're not going to bet money, Gary.

Gary: Afraid you're gonna lose?

Milani: about we do...a oneshot?

Paul: Seems okay.

Gary: But you always do oneshots?

Milani: Here's the thing. If the Warriors win, I will have to do a Cavaliershipping story so cheesy that Paul might want to kill Gary.

Gary: EXCUSE ME?!?!?!

Paul: I might.

Gary: Oh come on, Paul!

Drew: I like that.

Gary: FINE! But if the Cavs win, you have to write an Advanceshipping story. Heh.

Milani: Heck no.

Gary: Heck yes.

Drew: I don't think Milani could ever do that.

Milani: I'd rather write a cheesy oneshot about me and someone else rather than do Advanceshipping.

Gary: Ok...then you have to do a oneshot about you.

Milani: Fine. For as long as it's not against Contestshipping.

Ash: Wait...who will we pair with Milani?

Milani: I volunteer Calum Hood of 5SOS.

Gary: No. It should only be Pokemon characters or your OCs, but make sure to still relate it to Pokemon.

Milani: Dang it.

Paul: We'll let the readers decide on who to pair with Milani.

Milani: BTW, if no one suggests, we will not push through.

Gary: That's unfair.

Paul: Give choices, Oak.

Gary: Ok dear readers, who do you want to ship with Milani for a oneshot? The choices are...


Gary: NO!

Paul: Milani, shut up.

Gary: The choices are...Ash Ketchum, Silver, Jonny (OC), Red, Brendan or Jace (OC)

Milani: Are you serious?

Drew: Wow...honestly now I don't care about the bet.

Gary: asked for it, Hayden. We're adding Drew to the choices.

Milani: Excuse me, but we're cousins.

Gary: Figure out how to work that.

Milani: Oh please let the Warriors win.

Paul: So readers, choose.

Ash: Don't assume that you guys are gonna win.

Milani: Uh...bye!

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now