Jet Black Heart (Ikarishipping)

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I'm not busy today, so I'm gonna update this. Yay.

Songfic of Jet Black Heart by 5 Seconds of Summer from the album Sounds Good Feels Good.

Here we go.


(Paul's POV)

Floaroma Town.

I don't like this place. At all.

There are just too many flowers. I don't like flowers.

I get it. It's part of nature. I just didn't like how giving a flower to someone had to have meaning.

I mean...why was it a thing in the first place?

I don't get it.

As I walked around this flower-filled place full of joy (that I didn't like), I saw something that I would know even in a long distance.

It looks joyful and beautiful in the eyes of others.

But to me, it was nothing but pain and regret.

Purple daisies.

They reminded me of this girl. A girl from my past.

She had long jade green hair and jade green eyes.

Oh...and her name was Jade.

She was a good friend of mine back then. She was the only friend I had.

She was a happy-go-lucky girl who for some reason loves purple daisies.

But then, she had to leave without notice.

Yeah...they just come and go.

They just stay there for a while, make you feel good, but then they just leave you.

Maybe that's why people call me heartless.

It's stupid, honestly.

I have a heart that is still beating. It keeps me alive.

It's just that I've got a jet black heart.


Why did I have to see that stupid flower?

Forget it. I still have the Floaroma Tournament to compete in.

Most of the competitors are only there for the year-supply of Poffin. It's pathetic, honestly.

I, on the other hand, am there only to make my Pokémon stronger.

I don't need those Poffin things. They're supposed to make your Pokémon more appealing and all that.


I'm just gonna win this and maybe reward my Pokémon with the Poffin.

At least I won't hear any complaints from them about food. I've been feeding them generic Pokémon food since I started out as a trainer.


Floaroma Town Tournament...

Wow. Finals already? That was quick.

These trainers are nothing but pushovers anyway.

Who said it was a good idea to compete with unevolved Pokémon? Are they running on that Ash Ketchum motor too?

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