Twin Names (Festivalshipping)

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Requested by Elenasawakofan :)

IDK if this will be good. I couldn't think of another plot, so there.

BTW. By the time I'm posting this...the last oneshot has 95 comments?! It hasn't been 24 hours!! What the actual fudge?! I do have a share on the 95 comments because of the replies...but still...WOW.

Okay...let's not talk about it right now...let's enjoy this oneshot.


Drew: Hehehe.

Milani: What?

Drew: I made another oneshot because we got a request.

Milani: Okayy...

Drew: This is gonna be weird.

Milani: Will it?

Drew: Festivalshipping = Harley and Solidad! Let's get to it!

Milani: On with the oneshot!!!


It has been an amazing year for Harley Cacturnehead. (IDK what fanfic writers usually use as his last name, so I made my own)

He won the Ribbon Cup!

Well...there wasn't much competition in it.

Drew and May were out because they were planning their wedding.

Dawn, Zoey, Kenny, Ursula and Nando were competing elsewhere.

And Solidad?

She's 6 months pregnant.

And he is the father.

Everyone was shocked when they got married.

Drew didn't like the idea at all...Solidad was a sister-figure to him while he hated Harley because of all the tricks he played on May.

Well...that was the old Harley.

After the countless defeats, Harley decided to have a change of heart.

Instead of messing with May by ruining her reputation, he decided to play matchmaker.

He thought of doing that so that she'll be more distracted in contests...but it turns out that she became an even better coordinator.

Talk about the power of love.

He and Solidad were friends since the day the first met, but they became even closer when they teamed up in matchmaking Drew and May.

It worked out, and in the process...they may have found their own match in each other.

Yup. Weird...unlikely...but yeah. That's what happened.

Harley returned home with his Ribbon Cup cradled in his arms!

"Sol, hun! I'm home!!! How are you?" Harley said.

"Hi, Harley. I'm doing fine. I had my check-up this morning, and the doctor said that the baby is very healthy." Solidad replied.

"Hmm...we're having a girl, right?" Harley asked. "And twins too!"

"Yeah...actually...we just found out that the twins will be a boy and a girl." Solidad said.

"A boy and a girl?! For real?! That's fabulous!" Harley cheered.

"Yeah. It's gonna be a lot of fun once they're born." Solidad said.

"Hey, Sol!!! Have you thought of names for them?" Harley asked.

"No...I haven't. Right...we should start thinking. Think of the best name." Solidad said.

"Uh...May and Drew! Genius! Perfect! Case closed!" Harley said.

"Uh...I don't think so. It's weird naming twins after a couple. At least in my opinion. about John and Jane." Solidad said.

"John and Jane? That's so common! And we don't even have J's in our name!" Harley said. "Hmm...Francisco and Avery!"

"Uh...why?" Solidad asked.

"I dunno. They seem fancy." Harley said.

" about Melanie and Jake?" Solidad suggested.

"Ugh...that's reminds me of that Melanie girl. Drew's cousin." Harley said.

"Her name is Milani, not Melanie." Solidad corrected.

"Whatever. I don't like the names anyway. How about...Mackenzie and Macklemore?" Harley asked.

" do those names connect to us?" Solidad asked.

"Because...they Mac-tastic like us!" Harley said.

"Uh...what? Harley...have you been eating a lot of McDonalds again?" Solidad asked.

"No, Sol." Harley said.

"What now, Plumhead?" Solidad asked.

"I don't know, Peachhead!" Harley replied.

"Wait...Plum." Solidad said.

"And Peach." Harley said.

"That's their names! Plum and Peach!" Solidad said.

"I like how you think, Solidad, my love! That's why I love you! Mwah!" Harley said as he gave his wife a kiss on the cheek.

"I still wonder why I love you too." Solidad replied.


Drew: There. Short oneshot.

Milani: Baby names? Really? Plum and Peach?

Drew: Yeah.

Milani: I've read some other fanfics that called Paul plumhead.

Drew: We don't call him plumhead here.

Milani: Fine. But why Plum and Peach?

Drew: UGH. I DON'T KNOW! Because it's not May and Drew!

Milani: Okay...

Drew: Hope you guys enjoyed the oneshot.

Milani: See ya!

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now