Pokemon Shipping Meme Challenge

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Elemeno here! I saw this thing in deviantart called the Pokémon Shipping Meme Challenge. I have no idea whose original idea was this, but yeah. The challenge belongs to its respective owner.

SUPER LATE UPDATE: This was created by mrmunited95 in deviantart.

It's similar to CPCQ, but this one involves shippings.

So...I have to name 10 shippings. One character can be in more than one ship. However this says that the ships must not contain OCs.


Here's my list (I used a randomizer):

1. Preciousmetalshipping (why the heck not)

2. Geekchicshipping

3. Rocketshipping

4. Ikarishipping

5. Pokeshipping

6. Wishfulshipping

7. Contestshipping

8. Soulsilvershipping

9. Leafgreenshipping

10. Amourshipping

So...yeah. Ash, Serena and Silver are involved in more than one ship.

Apparently, the one I'm basing this one from does not simply answer the situation. There is also like a super short oneshot-ish thing. So yeah...enjoy the multiple mini one-shots.

Let's get started.

1) Both 4 & 9 are at a food fight. Who would win?

Dawn and Paul are eating some cookies while they talk about Pokémon.

Suddenly, someone threw pie at Dawn!

"What the?" Dawn said.

"What do you want me to do?" Paul asked.

"No need to worry, Paul. I got this." Dawn said.

The two turned around and saw Gary and Leaf laughing.

"Why you?!" Dawn said as she threw the nearby cake towards the laughing pair. The cake part landed right on Leaf's face.

"Troublesome girl, why?" Paul asked.

"They're asking for it!" Dawn said.

"Oh! Now it's on!" Leaf said as she grabbed some more cake and smashed it right on Dawn's face.

"Why you!" Dawn said as she did the same thing.

Leaf did it again, with Gary's assistance. Dawn dodged, but the cake landed right on Paul's face.

"Oh that's it!" Paul said as he smashed some cake on Gary's face.

*le cake wars*

"We're out of cake!" Gary yelled.

"No!" Leaf said.

"Hah! That means Paul and I win!" Dawn said as she hugged Paul, and Paul smiled with his frosting-covered lips.

"Wait...Jace has cake in his room!" Gary yelled.

"Let's go!" Leaf said as they left.

"Oh no you don't!" Paul and Dawn yelled as they chased the two.

2) 5, 6 and 3 are all on a date.

Ash and Misty are in Striaton City as Ash wanted to visit his old friend, Cilan. Since Cilan and his brothers have a restaurant, he decided to bring Misty there.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now