CPCQ Challenge: Something

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Elemeno: HEY! I posted another CPCQ oneshot challenge!

Milani: Oh great.

Elemeno: Don't worry. I've checked your lists. Milani and Drew are the only ones who will do the challenge. Jace, you follow just criteria 3-6.

Milani: Okay...

Drew: Are you kidding me?

Elemeno: I'm looking forward to what you're gonna do, Drew.

Jace: So...why just criteria 3-6?

Elemeno: If you want...just criteria 3.

Jace: Of course you want me to do that.

Elemeno: Paul, spotlight!

Ash: Hey! That's Dawn's line when she brings out her Pokémon!

Elemeno: I'mma genius.

Paul: Okay. So...it's my turn to make a oneshot. Enjoy.

Ash: Aren't you going to say some details about your oneshot?

Paul: No.

Gary: You couldn't even think of a title.

Paul: Whatever.


"Oh my gosh! You look absolutely beautiful, Bonnie!" Serena said.

"Thanks, Serena. My mom wore it on her wedding day too." Bonnie said.

"That's so awesome! I can't believe my little sister-in-law is getting married!" Serena said as she hugged Bonnie.

"Serena...do you think Max will think I'm pretty?" Bonnie asked.

"Of course he will!" Serena said. "Come on. I still need to talk to Lyra for the final preparations."


"Max! You look so handsome in that outfit!" Lyra said.

"Well...May was the one who picked it for me." Max said.

"Where is May anyway?" Lyra asked.

"She's with her friends looking for a dress to wear." Max said.

"And that's why I'm here with this guy." Drew said as he played with the bass guitar he was holding.

"After all these years, you still steal Jace's bass." Lyra said.

"What? He's family now. He's my cousin-in-law." Drew said.

"Whatever." Lyra said. "Okay...I still need to meet up with Serena. See ya!"

"Yeah...Max, I still need to meet up with Cilan." Drew said.

"Why?" Max asked. "You've been really close with Cilan these days."

"We both have green hair." Drew answered.


At some café...

"OMG! Serena, Max looks so handsome in that outfit of his." Lyra said.

"I know. Bonnie is so super gorgeous in her dress." Serena said.

"Yeah! Oh! And I absolutely adore the headpieces the flower girls are wearing. You're such a genius, Sereners." Lyra said.

"Thanks, Ly. Clemont actually built a machine that would make the headpieces." Serena said. "You know, I love the brooches the little kids would be wearing. You're awesome."

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now