I'm Sorry I Have To Do This (Negaishipping)

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I'm sorry I have to do this.

Hey, guys! Elemeno here with another oneshot. AND DANG. I don't really wanna do this oneshot, but you guys voted for it (even though you didn't know you were voting for it).

Here's a Negaishipping oneshot. This is tied at first place with six votes. This was number 3 on the list.

Why is number 3 such a popular number?

Anyway...hope you guys still like this oneshot.


Ash is in his room playing his favorite video game on the PokeBox 720.

"OH YEAH!!! Beat that sucker!" Ash yelled to the television screen.

Suddenly, a purple-haired girl enters his room.

"ASH! You've been playing that game the whole morning. Can you help Cilan with his float for the parade?" She said.

"Aw come on, Iris! I need to make my score super high so that Gary couldn't beat it." Ash replied.

"Ash, you're such a little kid. Cilan needs help." Iris said.

"Why don't you help him?" Ash asked.

"I've been helping him the whole day!" Iris yelled. "Plus, you have to practice your dance steps."

"What dance steps?" Ash asked.

"His fabulous dance." Iris answered.

"But...I DON'T WANNA." Ash whined.

"I'm sorry I have to do this." Iris said as she approached Ash. She then planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Uh..." Ash uttered, being shocked with Iris's actions.

"So...will you help Cilan?" Iris asked.

"Fine." Ash said as he dropped the controller and left the room to help Cilan.

Iris then smirked as she took the controller that Ash dropped. She started a new game and played. Without much effort, she beat Ash's score.

"Only a little kid could have a score like that. That was easy to beat." Iris said.


MY SHORTEST ONESHOT EVER because this is so rushed.

I didn't want to do the ship, okay. But hey, it's something. I don't care if you guys don't like this oneshot. I promise you better things in the future.

This was just so hard to do because I'm not really used with Iris. I mean...I love Cilan, but I only like Iris...so yeah. That's why Cilan was still so effin important in this story.

Cilan is fab.

And the whole time I typed this, I was playing PRB12's video of the fabulous Cilan on loop.

See ya in the next oneshot. The last one for the challenge will be posted next.

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