Favorite Fishing Spot (Pokeshipping)

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Misty has been very busy in the Cerulean Gym. Almost every day she’d have a challenger. There were even days when she had to battle three trainers in one day.

She just wanted to relax, so she decided to take the week off from the gym. A day off wouldn’t be enough for her to totally unwind.

She took her fishing rod and her famous Misty Lure. She hopped on her bike and made her way to Route 1. The fishing spot there is one of her favorites. That’s where she got her biggest catch of all-time.

‘Ah…the memories.’ Misty thought.

She found the fishing spot and casted her line. She waited until she got a bite. She pulled it in, and she got a Magikarp. She released it right away and waited for another bite.


Misty was just fishing around Route 1. She has been waiting for a while, but all she getting were Magikarp. Suddenly, her line was being pulled hard.

“Hey! I got a bite. I really think this could be a big one!” Misty exclaimed as she pulled her line. She got a big one, alright. Except…it wasn’t really a Water Pokémon.

“Nah. It’s just a kid. Oh! And a Pokémon. Oh. Are you okay?” She asked the Pokémon.

“Yeah…I’m okay.” The kid answered thinking Misty was referring to him.

Misty told him to bring his Pokémon to a doctor to have it treated. The kid asked her where he the hospital was, and as soon as Misty pointed the direction, a flock of Spearow appeared. The kid immediately placed his Pokémon in the basket of Misty’s bike and he rode on it.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Misty asked.

“I’m borrowing this.” He said as he left.

“Wait! That’s my bike!”


She did find her bike eventually…only for it to be burned into crisps.

Sure, she was highly annoyed with that kid, but they ended up being best friends. After seeing each other again in Viridian City, they traveled together through Kanto, the Orange Islands and Johto.

Hard to believe…but throughout their journeys together, Misty developed feelings for him. It came to the point that she wasn’t happy at all when she was called back home to be the gym leader.

In spite of her not wanting the job at first, she still did her best. She soon had fun doing it, and she even became a lot stronger as a trainer.

And she knows that he has been working hard too.

Suddenly, Misty’s line was tugging again.

“Hey! This could be a big one!” Misty said excitedly hoping for a certain something…or someone to show up. She pulled in and she got a Psyduck…actually…her Psyduck.

“Psy-yay-yay-yay-yay!” Psyduck panicked.

“Ugh…Psyduck! What were you doing?” Misty asked in an annoyed tone as she returned Psyduck to his ball.

Misty sighed. So much for false hope.

“Pikachupi!” A Pikachu said as he ran to Misty.

“Pikachu?” Misty said.

“Hey Misty! I knew it was your Psyduck that I heard.” A familiar voice said. Misty was shocked to see him.

“Ash! I didn’t know you were back in Kanto.” Misty said.

“I just came back from Kalos. Man…there’s a lot of cool Pokémon there.” Ash replied.

“Of course you were fascinated by the new Pokémon. So…what are you doing here? Usually, you’re back in Pallet for a day, and then you go to a new region the day after.”

“Yeah…but, I don’t really know where to go right now.”

“Oh…is that so? So…”

“Right. I’m on my way to Pewter City to check if Brock’s there. Also, I was planning on visiting you in Cerulean City as well, but I see that you’re here. So…how about you? What are you doing here?”

“I’m having a week off from the gym. Being a gym leader is so exhausting.”

“So…you’re relaxing by fishing. That is so you, Misty.”


“Are you just gonna be here all day?”

“No…there’s a place in Viridian City I’m currently staying in right now.”

“Cool! Mom told me of this new restaurant in Viridian City and I wanted to check it out. Do you want to have dinner there?”

“Sure, Ash. I’d love to.”

“Come on then, Misty. I’m really hungry.” Ash said as he stood. He pulled Misty up as well.

“That’s so you, Ash. Come on.” Misty said as they made their way to Viridian City.


Ash left his Pokémon at the Viridian City Pokémon Center, and so did Misty.

“See ya later, buddy. Misty and I will be off to dinner.” Ash said to Pikachu.

“Pika!” Pikachu said cheerfully.

“Wait…Pikachu isn’t coming?” Misty asked.

“Yeah. It’s alright. I just want to spend some time with my human best friend!” Ash said as he took Misty’s wrist gently and they went to the restaurant.

They got a table with a good view of the city. The restaurant itself had great ambience. It was natural and peaceful.

“Wow. This place is amazing. And the prices are totally affordable.” Misty said.

“I know. And I get to spend it with you, Misty!” Ash said.

Misty blushed at the statement.

‘Wait…me…and Ash…alone…in a restaurant…is this a date? Yeah…maybe a friendly date. But he didn’t bring Pikachu with him. Why isn’t Pikachu with him? Maybe Pokémon aren’t allowed in here? No…I saw a guy with a Raticate. Hmm…don’t get other weird ideas, Misty. Just enjoy the moment.’ Misty thought.

“Mist, you alright?” Ash asked.

“I’m fine, Ash. It’s just weird that you didn’t bring Pikachu with you.” Misty replied.

“I don’t have to be with Pikachu 24/7. Besides, I’m sure Nurse Joy is taking care of him right now.” Ash said.


The two continued talking. Ash would talk about the fancy restaurants in Kalos, especially those ones in Lumiose City. He also shared some stories about his new friends.

Misty smiled at their conversation. He was still the same Ash she knew.

That’s what she thinks.

Because if that’s the same Ash she knew, he wouldn’t have thought of calling the Cerulean gym and asking where Misty was, then ‘accidentally’ running into her in Route 1, and then bringing her to a nice restaurant…just the two of them.


Woo. That was fun. I just want to say that the flashback is directly from the episode, “Pokémon! I Choose You!”

Anyway…Ash is actually smart in this one, yah? Hihi.

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