Mirage Island (Contestshipping)

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Milani: *finishes ice cream bar*

Gary: Hey! I want one!

Milani: Get in the freezer.

Gary: Yay!

Drew: You guys have done 10 straight Contestshipping oneshots.

Milani: And it will be 11 straight!

Drew: Okay...please...not another one of those that make me so extra cheesy...or...a plant.

Milani: Hehe. No worries, this time...we will have another Drew's POV of an episode!

Drew: Oh goodie.

Milani: And this time...we will be having my favorite episode ever, 'Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?'

Gary: *raises fists with an ice cream bar shoved in his mouth.*

Drew: Okay...

Milani: Ok...enjoy the oneshot! BTW, this will not be full Drew's POV.

Gary: Yeah cuz he passes out at some point.

Milani: *whacks Gary with her mallet* NO SPOILERS!

Gary: *unconscious once again with his ice cream bar on the floor*

Drew: You wasted an ice cream bar.

Milani: HEY! The intro is long, and this oneshot is bound to be long! Let's get started already!


Now that I've gotten five ribbons, it's time to prepare for the Grand Festival.

Hmm...I wonder if May already has five ribbons. I mean...there is only one contest left.

Not that I'm worried about her or anything...whatever. I'll just train.

So today, I decided to train more with Masquerain. I'm pretty sure Roselia is ready for the Grand Festival, so she doesn't need much training.

I wanted to work on Masquerain's Bubble and Hidden Power technique, but he just learned a new move that can even be better for his appeals.

Silver Wind. My Masquerain just learned Silver Wind.

I know...that's like the signature move of May's Beautifly, but hey.

I noticed that my Masquerain has a thing for May's Beautifly. I'm not gonna stop him, but he has to focus when we battle May, especially Beautifly.

Eh. But it turns out my Masquerain keeps on denying his feelings for Beautifly. Where did he learn that from?

We went to the cliff near the sea. It's perfect for training Masquerain's Silver Wind.

A huge wave approached us. It's perfect.

"Hey! Look out!" I heard someone yell. The voice was a bit familiar, but whatever.

"Go, Masquerain! Silver Wind!" I commanded as the wave splashed.

The Silver Wind created a hole on the wave. It created a glimmering and well...silvery finish. Good job, Masquerain.

"Whoa. Check out that power." I heard another familiar voice say from below.

"That was really amazing." I heard another familiar voice say. Whatever.

"Yeah. I'm almost jealous." I heard another familiar voice say...wait a minute...I know that voice.

I looked down and saw that May and her friends were there...and they were watching me.

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