Scared (Ikarishipping)

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Dawn was lying down on her bed. She was scared to turn her head to the side. Someone holding a sharp object might be next to her.

It was also a bit hot, so she wanted to cool down a bit, but she was scared because if she turned on the fan, the power might become too strong that she will be blown away to the balcony and she will be caught be someone and be taken to the underworld.

She then thought of calming herself down by taking a selfie, but she got scared because someone might suddenly pop out from behind.

She suddenly got the urge to go to the bathroom, but she was scared to go alone. Someone might sneak behind her.

She decided to take a little walk at the corridor, but then she freaked out because the lights might flicker on and off and someone might suddenly approach her.

Why was she acting like this? It is because she watched this movie about a lonely girl who died and haunted then killed the mean girls who bullied her.

Dawn was all alone that night, so she wasn't very comfortable.

"No need to worry, Dawn. There's nothing creepy that will pop out. It's just a movie." Dawn told herself as she tried to calm herself down. Unfortunately, that didn't work.

"Do you always talk to yourself at night?" Someone said. She jumped in surprise and covered her face.

"Please don't hurt me. I'm a good girl!" Dawn pleaded.

"Stop hiding. No one is out to get you." The person said. Dawn removed her hands on her face and she noticed that it was Paul who was talking to her.

"Oh, it's just you, Paul." Dawn said in relief. "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. See, I just watched this scary movie and it's freaking me out."

"Seriously? That's it? You get scared easily." Paul replied. "I bet it's not that scary."

"Oh yeah. Let's see how tough you are then. I'll let you watch the movie." Dawn said as she brought out the flash drive that contained the movie. She dragged Paul to her room, plugged the flash drive on the TV, and played the video.

"This is your scary movie? This is just the short film Milani, Shiela and their other friends made for class." Paul said.

"'ve watched it?"

"No. I just know that this is the movie they made."

They remained silent for the next minutes. Dawn hid under her blanket while Paul was watching the movie.

After watching the movie, Dawn popped out from her blanket while Paul was just sitting there. He turned off the television and removed the flash drive.

" was the movie?" Dawn asked.

"It was decent. Not bad for an amateur film." Paul answered.

"Did it scare you?"

"No. It didn't." He answered as he lied down next to Dawn.

"Uh...Paul...what are you doing?" Dawn asked confused as to why Paul decided to lie next to her.

"You might need someone to ensure you that Milani is not gonna suddenly pop out." Paul answered.

"Really. Ok. Thanks, I guess. Good night, Paul." Dawn said as she closed her eyes. Oddly, she didn't mind having Paul around. At least he's there to ensure that Dawn is not scared anymore.

At least that's what he wants her to think.

In all honesty, Paul was really scared of the ghost in the movie. They made her Yeah, Milani went all out in her role as a ghost. She managed to freak even Paul out. That's how effective Milani is in playing a ghost character. She's so good that she might even consider being a full time horror movie actress.

Back to Paul...he was scared, so he decided not to go back to his room. He was thinking that the different stuff that happened in the movie might happen to him. That is why he decided to stay with Dawn for the night. Of course, Paul would never admit that he was scared. He'll never admit being scared about anything.

But...why did he allow himself to be with Dawn for the night?

He has been secretly admiring the girl from afar. He'd never admit that. He was scared of getting his heart broken. He's had enough of that.

He does want to make sure, though, that she is not scared of him, and that she won't be scared whenever he's around. He looked at her and felt accomplished. She was already sound asleep. He too wasn't scared anymore, so he closed his eyes and fell to a deep sleep.

Did they have the nightmares they'd thought they'll have? Nope. In fact, it was nothing but sweet dreams for these two.


Wee! A short one for you guys! Hope you guys liked it.

PS. The movie is based on the actual film we made in class...and I seriously played as the ghost and I managed to freak people out...and most people never looked at me the same way ever again. Hihi.

Oh. And sorry if Paul might be OOC. I don't know how to make him this one.

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