Costumes: The Halloween Special (multiple ships)

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Happy Halloween.

Multiple ships involved. It's not really romantic.

I don't care.

On with the stuff.


"I'm not going trick-or-treating with you." A boy with long red hair said.

"But Silver! It's gonna be fun! Haven't you gone trick-or-treating ever?" A gold-eyed boy asked.

"No." Silver replied. "The Masked Man never let us, Gold."

"Well then, today is your lucky day! I volunteer to be your buddy for your first ever trick-or-treating awesomeness!" Gold exclaimed.

"What's the big deal about it anyway?" Silver asked. "You go waste the night around town begging adults to give you candy."

"That's the fun part! Come on! Who doesn't like candy?" Gold asked.

"I'm still not going." Silver said.

"Please! I don't have anyone to go trick-or-treating with." Gold begged.

Silver thought as he stared at Gold. He really didn't want to, but he just couldn't resist those golden orbs.

"Fine. I'll go with you." Silver said.

"Yeah! Thanks, Silv. You're the best!" Gold cheered. He then opened a drawer a pulled out a large piece of white cloth. He then grabbed some scissors and cut some holes on the cloth.

"What are you doing with the cloth?" Silver asked.

"Your costume, silly! You can't go out trick-or-treating with your normal outfit." Gold said. "Plus, now we both get to be ghosts!"

"Fine." Silver said as he took the cloth from Gold. He put on the cloth, and he was amazed by how it fit him.


"Ruby!" A girl wearing an all blue outfit yelled.

"I'm busy." Ruby replied as he continued working on something with his sewing machine.

"But...we're gonna run out of candy. You know there are a lot of trick-or-treaters out there." She said.

"I know, Sapphire. I'm still working." Ruby said.

"But didn't you make your costume a few days ago?" Sapphire asked.

"I know. I'm working on your costume...which is about done!" Ruby said as he showed Sapphire the costume he had sown.

"Wow! A princess costume?" Sapphire said as Ruby handed her the costume.

"Yup! I think it looks good on you!" Ruby complimented, causing Sapphire to blush.

"Thanks, Ruby." Sapphire said. "I love it."

" love me more, right? Besides, I am your Prince Charming!" Ruby said as he brought out his costume.

"Yeah, yeah." Sapphire said as he left the room to change into her costumes.

After changing into their costumes...

"Let's show them what we're made of!" Ruby said.

"Hey! Let's see who can get the most candy!" Sapphire said.

"Another bet, I see. You're on!" Ruby replied.


"Ta-da! What do you think, Pikachu?" A raven-haired boy asked his partner Pokémon.

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