Black Magic (Contestshipping)

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Here we go! Here's another songfic for you guys! Black Magic by Little Mix!

(May's POV)

It's been like that since he became Top Coordinator.

Every city he went to, Drew would always be mobbed by fans. By fans...I meant crazy fangirls.

Sure, fame may be awesome for a lot of people, but not for Drew. He didn't like being mobbed city after city. He didn't like how random girls would scream 'Marry me, Drew!' or 'Drew! I love you!' He didn't like how random girls would hug him or kiss him on the cheek just because they adored him.

Yes...that's how crazy his fangirls are. He just can't get out.

Meanwhile, there is another person who has been bothered by all those fangirls mobbing Drew. She knows she shouldn't really worry. She knows Drew doesn't like that kind of attention. But still, if he really wanted to get out of it, he had already done something. But has he? Nope.

Wait...why would she worry about girls surrounding him? Should she care? They're just rivals, right? Ok...maybe their friends...but that's it.

Yeah right.

She's not fooling anyone anymore. She's denied it so many times, but it's too obvious.

May is in love with Drew.

Wait...why am I talking in third person?

Well...yes...I am in love with him.

I really didn't like those fangirls. They're always after Drew that he never gets the chance to talk to me. And if those fangirls keep on being affectionate with him, he'll become obsessed with the attention.

I don't want that to happen. I have to do something to make Drew mine once and for all.

After all, if there is going to be someone who's going to stop this madness, it's gonna be me.

I am on my way back to the Pokémon Center when I bumped into a person who was wearing all black. That person even had a hood that was black, and it covered that person's face. The person apologized and immediately ran.

I noticed that the person dropped a book. I wanted to return it, but the person was already too far. Maybe I should just leave it at the lost and found.

Hmm...I am curious about this, though. It looks like some kind of magic book.

I opened the book, and opened it to the page entitled 'love potion'.

Oh yeah. This is it. This is the perfect solution.

To the mysterious person who dropped the book...thank you. that I got this weird cauldron and all the ingredients I need, it's time to make this love potion! Ok...the book says that the love potion is very potent that a single drop is enough. This is guaranteed to work.

I hope I got everything. And man...getting these ingredients was so hard! Ok...let's get started.

One Bluk Berry. The Bluk berry wasn't hard that hard to find. There is a berry shop nearby and they sold these.

A petal from a rose of a Roselia or Roserade. This was a bit tricky. My original idea was going to Drew and ask for his Roserade, but why would I do that? I'm making this potion to get his attention. Luckily, I saw there was a random girl who offered her Roserade, so I managed to get a petal.

Powder coming from a Silver Wind. This was easy. Thank you, Beautifly.

One Liechi Berry. This was hard at first. The berry shop didn't sell these. Luckily, the girl with a Roserade conveniently also had a Liechi Berry.

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