You're Gonna Miss Me (Pokeshipping)

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Hey. What's up? First off, this book has reached over 2K reads! Thank you so much for the support. Woo! *pops confetti*

Anyway, here's another oneshot and another songfic. This song is entitled "Misty" and it is by Youtuber, NateWantsToBattle. It's a song literally about Misty. I think it's more gameverse than animeverse, but hey, it's my fanfic. Anyway...enjoy!

Ash Ketchum's dream has always been to be a Pokémon Master. It's all that he ever wanted. He's travelled to many regions. He has met a lot of Pokémon, and he has made a lot of friends throughout his journey.

However, there is one friend that means to him the most.

No...I don't mean Pikachu. Well...Pikachu is his most important Pokémon, but that's not our case.

We're talking about the first person he met in his journey.


Misty didn't even consider him a friend before. She only travelled with him so he could repay for her burnt bike. But as time progressed, they became the closest of friends. They argued a lot, but they still had each other's back.

They enjoyed every moment together that when Misty was called back to the Cerulean Gym to take over as gym leader, it pained her a lot. It wasn't because she didn't like the responsibility of being a gym leader. Rather, it was because she wanted to continue travelling with Ash. spite of their constant arguing, Misty grew feelings for him. She wanted them to be more than friends.

Did Ash feel the same way? Maybe not. He's just so freaking clueless. Especially on the concept of romance.

Of course, that was years ago.

After travelling through the Kalos region, Ash decided to head home to rest, relax and catch up with some old friends. least he wants to, but it just never happens. Brock is busy with his studies, but he always checks up on Ash via the phone. May, Dawn, Cilan and Iris would also do the same. Tracey is usually in Cerulean City every time Ash went home. According to Professor Oak, Tracey's always there because of his developing relationship with Daisy, Misty's sister.

As for Misty...Ash hasn't heard from her since the time he challenged the Battle Frontier. And that was a very long time ago.

Ash was worried. How come she never called him? How come she never checked up on him? Doesn't she miss him? Does he still matter to her? Ash would always think about it every time he had the time to think.

Ash didn't understand why he was so affected by that. He doesn't mind if his other friends won't call for months. But then...Misty hasn't called him in years. And when he finally travelled Kalos, he had learned more about his feelings.

The feelings of romance.

Ash already knows that he loves Misty, and that's why he didn't like the fact that she never called him. He tried calling her, but her sisters would end up replying. They never even tell him how she has been doing. He was dying to know already.

He couldn't take it anymore. He just had to see her again. But...what would be a good excuse for him to go there?

Well...Tracey got a ticket to see Misty perform at the Cerulean Gym, but he is very busy at the lab that he couldn't come, so he gave Ash the ticket.

Ash travelled all the way to Cerulean City, and went to see the show. He got a good view of the stage. The music started and Misty took the stage.

Ash felt happiness when he saw her on that stage. He thought she looked great...and well...she's beautiful.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now