CPCQ Challenge: Wedding Crashers

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HEY! Part 2 of 6 for the CPCQ challenge. So...I just wanna say that I added something for the last oneshot. I didn't fulfill one criterion. It's just one line. Just Serena going crazy. Hehe.


Gary: It's my turn to make a oneshot!

Milani: Let's see what you got.

Gary: HAHA! This will be one-sided Advanceshipping! MWAHAHAHAHA!

Milani and Drew: WHAT?!

Gary: Don't be mad at me. It's just one-sided. It's only for the challenge. The readers will still like it.

Milani: We'll see.

Gary: Enjoy the oneshot! HAHAHA!


Today is the most important day in May Maple's life.

Her wedding day.

"May! You're so pretty! Drew is a very lucky guy." Bianca said as she helped May with her wedding dress. They met in Unova and became instant friends. So close that Bianca became May's Maid of Honor.

"You think so, Bianca? Hmm...I wonder what Drew will think." May said.

"May, he will think that he is the luckiest guy in the world because he is getting married to the prettiest girl in the world. Hihi." Bianca replied.


"Ugh." Drew said nervously.

"Wow. You've never been this nervous since the day you confessed to her." Jace replied.

"Yeah. Hey...I will be your Best Man on your wedding too, right?" Drew said.

"No. Gary will." Jace replied.


Drew: I didn't expect this to be Contestshipping.

Jace: Gary, I've told you a hundred times already. You're not going to be my Best Man on my wedding.

Milani: Hey! Don't interrupt story time!

Gary: Yeah! Now go hit them with a mallet, Milani.

Milani: Nah. Not feeling it.

Gary: Let's just continue.



"Grr...." Ash said angrily.

"Ash, you gotta calm down." Misty said.

"Yeah. You should be happy that May is getting married to someone who can make her happy." Brock said.

"So? That stupid grasshead can never make her happy!" Ash yelled. "Ugh...the nerve. He always called me 'Mr. Pikachu'. He can never remember my name. Ugh...May should be mine!!! MINE!!!"

"Ash, you need to move on." Misty said.

"I'm not moving on, Misty." Ash said. "We need to stop the wedding."

"Uh...what are you planning to do?" Brock asked.

"Here's my idea." Ash said as he gathered Misty and Brock and told them his idea.

"Ash! That's crazy!" Misty yelled. "We're not doing it!"

"You guys are doing it whether you like it or not!" Ash yelled.

"Why?!" Misty asked.

"Because you guys are my best friends!" Ash said.

"Fine." Misty said in defeat.

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