The Aftermath (Nameshipping)

910 31 146

As suggested by Cfbear2


Gary: Good day, dear readers.

Drew: Milani is not here at the current moment of we're here to take over the oneshot.

Gary: Finally we have a new oneshot.

Drew: Yep. This shipping is highly requested by the readers, so we are gonna do it.

Gary: Also...the general plot was suggested by Scatter.

Drew: That's right! This will be Nameshipping!!!

Gary: You didn't need to tell them that. It's in the title.

Drew: So...technically...this won't be a Pokémon Oneshot...but I guess it kinda is because we'll still be here.

Gary: Yep! So anyway...ladies and gentlemen...enjoy the oneshot!


In some previous oneshot...

"Ah! There's my boom box." The person from behind said.

Milani seemed to have recognized the voice. She turned around to see Grandpappy Jack...and she was a bit confused.

Grandpappy Jack also noticed her...and...he was frozen.

"Hey, you're that guy from the video. Weird...I thought it was someone I know." Milani said.

" that so?" Grandpappy Jack said a more elderly voice.

" the way, my name is Milani. I'm Drew's cousin." Milani said.

"Oh the green haired one. Anyway...nice to meet you, Melanie." Grandpappy Jack said.

"Um...sir, it's pronounced Milani." Milani corrected politely.

"Sure, Melanie." Grandpappy Jack said.

"Uh...never mind." Milani said.

"Good, Melanie." Grandpappy Jack said.

Milani then raised her eyebrow at him. She then approached Grandpappy Jack while he was frozen in position.

"What's wrong, Melanie?" Grandpappy Jack asked.

Milani then grabbed hold of his moustache and ripped off his face.

"Fake moustache?" Milani said.

"Ouch! What was that for, Milani?" Grandpappy Jack a less grandpa way.

"Wait...I know you." Milani said as she removed the white hair wig to reveal brown hair.

"Melanie...shut up. Not in public." Grandpappy Jack said as he returned his wig on his head.

"Okay...under one condition. Don't call me Melanie for a week." Milani said with her arms crossed.

", Milani. Just don't tell them who I am." Grandpappy Jack said.


Jace browsed through some videos on PokeTube when he came across the video 'The Amazing Grampa featuring Gary Oak and Drew Hayden.'

He clicked the video and saw that it almost hit a million views. It had 100K likes and 1 dislike.

And it was just posted yesterday.

Elemeno's Pokemon Oneshots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now